
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
How do vitamins really work? I took a Flintstones multivitamin as a child. I suppose it was to cover the basis for any deficiencies that I may have had. In reality, taking a multivitamin was something that was just the thing to do. The One a Day vitamin company did a fabulous job driving that home. But is there really a need if we eat plant based? I have certainly changed my views over the past couple of years. I will let you know why in this podcast.
Check out the website to find out about the January Build Your Health Challenge. We would love to be a part of your January Health Improvement Journey.
Thanks for listening.
Website: doctordulaney.com
email: jami@doctordulaney.com

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The California International marathon is in the books. Based on our training it was more of a training run then a race. Bottom line is that you run like you train. I had the opportunity to do some trouble shooting with regards to some hip cramping that I will share.
Are you an outlier? The Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie eluded to this as the land of the misfit toys. Sometimes it can be a little daunting eating different especially around the holidays. Everyone wants to fit in, but as a very dear friend used to say, be careful for what you ask for, for you shall surely get it. Sometimes you have to look a little harder for outliers that fit your why. The reality is there are more people on the lazy river ride than the luge. Go ahead and listen and you will see my point.
Thanks for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. How do you pick a milk alternative?
Today Addie Majnaric, RDN and I have the pleasure of speaking with Jason Bronstad who is the CEO of Malk Organics. Malk is a plant based milk alternative that is made from just three ingredients: organic almonds, water and Himalayan pink sea salt or organic oats, Himalayan pink salt, and water.
Most of us have transitioned from the standard American diet to plant based diet. Jason is no different. He saw a version of himself in photos that made him want to change directions not only for himself but the health of his family. The transition can be fraught with stumbling blocks. Just because a product is vegan does not mean it is healthy. Just because an ingredient originates from plants, does not mean that is has not been altered in ways that may make it much less healthy.
When you see the ingredient Xanthium gum, you cannot be sure that the source of the glucose used to ferment it with a bacterial organism does not come from a genetically modified or pesticide modified corn, wheat or soy. A little may not be of too much concern. However, no one knows what a lot is and how it may interact with other ingested ingredients.
Your best bet is to keep things a simple as possible or in their most natural form. Malk is a such a product. Organic almonds or organic oats. Pure and simple.
I hope you enjoy the interview. Thank you for listening.
Email: jami@doctordulaney.com or addie@doctordulaney.com

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
How do you eat an organic nutrient dense plant based diet cheap? Grow some of your own food. There are more options than you would initially think and range from a full backyard garden or community raised beds to porch pots of vegetables and herb gardens. If that is not yet in your wheelhouse, consider sprouting or microgreens to produce nutrient dense plants all within the confines of your house or apartment regardless of the weather.
Doug Evans, author of The Sprout Book, joins me on the podcast to discuss the benefits and ease of starting a sprout farm in your kitchen.
Broccoli seeds can generate 2 cups of sprouts for about 33 cents. They are packed with a phytonutrient called sulforaphane that have anti-cancer properties as well as the anti-inflammatory benefits for the brain. They are also protective against the harmful effects of uv radiation from the sun. In addition, they have several times the anti-oxidants of the full grown plant all packed in a tiny crunchy bunch.
Do you want some quick tasty high protein sprouts for your lunch? In three to four days you can sprout mung beans or lentils. Breakfast treats? How about sprouted buckwheat grouts?
I hope this conversation intrigues you enough to try some simple sprouting to add extra nutrients to your plant based plate.
Greens to try: Broccoli, alfalfa, radish
Beans: mung, lentil, chickpea, adzuki
Grains: quinoa, buckwheat, oat
Thanks for listening.
Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com
Website: doctordulaney.com
Find more about Doug Evans:
Instagram: dougevans
TikTok: sproutwiz

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The American Heart Association minimal weekly cardiovascular exercise suggestion is 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise. The funny part is that most of those committee members probably don't meet the goal and cannot define what moderate to vigorous exercise might look like. Thirty minutes three times a week of walking is really setting the bar pretty low. I guess they figure something is better than nothing at all. That recommendation exists despite good data showing an increased risk of heart disease if you sit the rest of the day. Fifty years ago patients were put to bed for 2 weeks after their heart attack. We now know that bedrest does nothing for the heart and certainly makes the the skeletal muscles much worse.
What about atrial fibrillation? How much exercise is good or good enough? I have some good news about that in the podcast today.
I also have my race recap from the Odyssey SwimRun Austin. It was a test of swimming, running, and rock climbing. In other words it was a cardiovascular, strength, technique, and mobility challenge. Spoiler alert; we did not have to use the ace bandage that was required equipment.
The reason I share my adventures is that I want to share the importance of getting outside and continuing to be active as we get older. Being mobile means being independent. I believe that eating a healthy plant based diet and exercising vigorously everyday will lead to a longer health span. You certainly get better vitamin D from being outside then in a doctor's office waiting on your next refill or procedure.
Join me on a journey of a healthy active lifestyle. Check out the website at doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Check out our cookbook for everyday recipes

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Today I have my favorite dietitian, Addie Majnaric, RDN and practice member Ann Doescher to rehash their recent marathon and half marathons. Ann took up running at age 50 when her sixth child went to college. She became plant based by accident when she visited a health fair attached to a 10k she was running and never looked back. She works with Addie as her running and nutrition coach.
Addie ran the Trailways trail marathon in Texas. It was her first full marathon since having her son, Caleb. She does her daily runs with Caleb in a stroller and german shepherd bodyguard, Hoss in toe.
We talk plant based nutrition, running and the joy of family in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. I hope you enjoy this fun conversation.
Email us at Addie@doctordulaney.com or Jami@doctordulaney.com.
website: doctordulaney.com
Check out our family cookbook: https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1U4J4U0SZUXUF&dchild=1&keywords=plant+based+wellness+cookbook&qid=1621083696&sprefix=plant+based+well%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-3

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 407: Getting Lost
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Navigating while relying on GPS can make getting somewhere easier but it rarely results in making mental memories of how to get there again. Getting lost is perceived differently for individuals. If you still maintain your sense of self in your current surroundings, you may not consider yourself lost. After all, you still have where you came from. However, eventually you start to feel a sense of urgency to find your ultimate destination. According to Laurence Gonzales in his book, Deep Survival, most people do not think of retracing steps back to their original start point immediately. Wandering ensues, sometimes frantically, that results in becoming even more confused. At some point there will be a fork in the road. Stay put and accept your fate or forge a new plan and follow it methodically to safety.
Learning to eat a plant based diet and reversing lifestyle diseases can be somewhat similar. Taking charge of your health requires navigation into unknown territories. The maize of choices and information can be overwhelming. Often we fall back to our old ways.
Tips for plant based survival:
Positive mental attitude toward new foods and new ways of cooking.
Make changes that begin with familiar foods and change the ingredients to point toward a new healthier direction.
Make mental memories of what works such as go to meals that everyone enjoys and practice them.
Develop a mantra for your goals. Perhaps a mental checklist of items to avoid. State or write your goals frequently.
Maintain a sense of humor when things don’t go as planned.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com. Website: doctordulaney.com
Deep Survival Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales
Links to studies discussed on maintaining health during cancer therapy and decreasing a future risk of atrial fibrillation.

Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 406: Thriving on Plant Protein
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The recovery from Ian continues in Southwest Florida, and daily life is slowing returning to normal.
How do you plan your daily meals? Do you think in terms of macronutrients such as fat, carbohydrate and protein? Do you focus on micronutrients? Or do you focus on avoiding unhealthy foods and accept the rest will fall into place? With the hurricane recovery, I hear people say they don’t have time to eat in one sentence and then talk of snack foods in the next sentence.
What drives your nutrition decisions? I would offer the best nutrition plan is the one that provides the longest health span for an individual. But the health needs of a child versus an athlete versus an adult with a chronic illness might look differently. The same is true for what might be good to build muscle in a lean individual might not be so good in a patient with cancer.
That said feeding oneself does not have to be that difficult. Simple is best. Whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Only plants fix nitrogen that are vital to make proteins. Our gut microbiome is influenced heavily by what we choose to eat. It is also at the command center or our immune system. Fiber is needed to select a gut microbiome that is the healthiest. We all agree that excessive energy intake or excessive calories are at the root of most diseases secondary to metabolic waste accumulation. Movement and lifting heavy things are the key to muscle and bone building. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain all the macronutrients. Only the percentages change. Our bodies are very good at recycling and manufacturing what it needs without specific percentages at each meal. There is no natural food that is only one macronutrient and there is no one metabolic process that stands alone in the body without affecting another. Eat the rainbow and focus on minimally processed whole foods. You body will thank you.
If you have questions email me at jami@doctordulaney.com

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 405: Hurricane Ian
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I survived Hurricane Ian! What do hurricanes and ultramarathons have in common? How does plan -based nutrition fare in a hurricane?
My family sat in a laundry room for 8 hours listening to winds of 150 plus miles an hour belt our home. We sustained some roof and window damage but feel extremely lucky to have not had flooding or complete loss of our property. Material things can be replaced.
I believe that life’s challenges are best faced with a healthy body and mind.
Hurricane readiness: know your go to meals and have the ingredients ready. Simple is best. I will share our meals during the hurricane and past few days without power.
What are your go to appliances? Mine were an Instapot and a gas stove. Essential items are a generator, multiple extension cords, fans, a surge power strip and fuel. When the power grid fails, gasoline or propane is a must. Have vehicle tanks full, and multiple gas containers filled.
I am motivated more than ever to help people prepare their minds and bodies to face life’s challenges through plant based nutrition and movement.
Email me at Jami@doctordulaney.com and Addie@doctordulaney.com for additional questions and information on our practice. Visit the website at doctordulaney.com where you can find out how to get a monthly newsletter or join the practice.
Thank you for listening.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Podcast Episode 404 with Christopher McDougall
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!
You are too old not to run. As my guest today, Christopher McDougall would add by the title of his book you are “Born To Run”. You might ask why run? What are the benefits of running over other exercises? Is it better to run in groups or alone?
Christopher McDougall has written about two running adventures that has taken him to the Copper Canyons of Mexico to run with the infamous Tarahumara tribe and to the Colorado Rockies to run a Burro race. Yes, that is right, running with donkeys. He embeds himself in his research on running adventures and tells the story of diverse people that unite, heal, and become enriched by their running experiences.
Born to run is a must read for those interested in running and fitness. Running with Sherman is a great read for all who love animals and share the joy of how they can teach us to be better humans. I look forward to Born to Run 2 for more education on running style and integrating the joys of running into more adventures.
A few of my favorite quotes from Running with Sherman;
“Flower was pushing me to try something I would never have done on my own, compete”
“Your brain may not remember, but your body will never forget that animals have guarded us since the Stone Age”… E.O. Wilson, Harvard.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Visit the website at doctordulaney.com for more information on how we can help you reach your health and fitness goals.
Thanks for listening.