Friday Oct 21, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 407: Getting Lost
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Navigating while relying on GPS can make getting somewhere easier but it rarely results in making mental memories of how to get there again. Getting lost is perceived differently for individuals. If you still maintain your sense of self in your current surroundings, you may not consider yourself lost. After all, you still have where you came from. However, eventually you start to feel a sense of urgency to find your ultimate destination. According to Laurence Gonzales in his book, Deep Survival, most people do not think of retracing steps back to their original start point immediately. Wandering ensues, sometimes frantically, that results in becoming even more confused. At some point there will be a fork in the road. Stay put and accept your fate or forge a new plan and follow it methodically to safety.
Learning to eat a plant based diet and reversing lifestyle diseases can be somewhat similar. Taking charge of your health requires navigation into unknown territories. The maize of choices and information can be overwhelming. Often we fall back to our old ways.
Tips for plant based survival:
Positive mental attitude toward new foods and new ways of cooking.
Make changes that begin with familiar foods and change the ingredients to point toward a new healthier direction.
Make mental memories of what works such as go to meals that everyone enjoys and practice them.
Develop a mantra for your goals. Perhaps a mental checklist of items to avoid. State or write your goals frequently.
Maintain a sense of humor when things don’t go as planned.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com. Website: doctordulaney.com
Deep Survival Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales
Links to studies discussed on maintaining health during cancer therapy and decreasing a future risk of atrial fibrillation.
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 406: Thriving on Plant Protein
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The recovery from Ian continues in Southwest Florida, and daily life is slowing returning to normal.
How do you plan your daily meals? Do you think in terms of macronutrients such as fat, carbohydrate and protein? Do you focus on micronutrients? Or do you focus on avoiding unhealthy foods and accept the rest will fall into place? With the hurricane recovery, I hear people say they don’t have time to eat in one sentence and then talk of snack foods in the next sentence.
What drives your nutrition decisions? I would offer the best nutrition plan is the one that provides the longest health span for an individual. But the health needs of a child versus an athlete versus an adult with a chronic illness might look differently. The same is true for what might be good to build muscle in a lean individual might not be so good in a patient with cancer.
That said feeding oneself does not have to be that difficult. Simple is best. Whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Only plants fix nitrogen that are vital to make proteins. Our gut microbiome is influenced heavily by what we choose to eat. It is also at the command center or our immune system. Fiber is needed to select a gut microbiome that is the healthiest. We all agree that excessive energy intake or excessive calories are at the root of most diseases secondary to metabolic waste accumulation. Movement and lifting heavy things are the key to muscle and bone building. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain all the macronutrients. Only the percentages change. Our bodies are very good at recycling and manufacturing what it needs without specific percentages at each meal. There is no natural food that is only one macronutrient and there is no one metabolic process that stands alone in the body without affecting another. Eat the rainbow and focus on minimally processed whole foods. You body will thank you.
If you have questions email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 405: Hurricane Ian
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I survived Hurricane Ian! What do hurricanes and ultramarathons have in common? How does plan -based nutrition fare in a hurricane?
My family sat in a laundry room for 8 hours listening to winds of 150 plus miles an hour belt our home. We sustained some roof and window damage but feel extremely lucky to have not had flooding or complete loss of our property. Material things can be replaced.
I believe that life’s challenges are best faced with a healthy body and mind.
Hurricane readiness: know your go to meals and have the ingredients ready. Simple is best. I will share our meals during the hurricane and past few days without power.
What are your go to appliances? Mine were an Instapot and a gas stove. Essential items are a generator, multiple extension cords, fans, a surge power strip and fuel. When the power grid fails, gasoline or propane is a must. Have vehicle tanks full, and multiple gas containers filled.
I am motivated more than ever to help people prepare their minds and bodies to face life’s challenges through plant based nutrition and movement.
Email me at Jami@doctordulaney.com and Addie@doctordulaney.com for additional questions and information on our practice. Visit the website at doctordulaney.com where you can find out how to get a monthly newsletter or join the practice.
Thank you for listening.
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Podcast Episode 404 with Christopher McDougall
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!
You are too old not to run. As my guest today, Christopher McDougall would add by the title of his book you are “Born To Run”. You might ask why run? What are the benefits of running over other exercises? Is it better to run in groups or alone?
Christopher McDougall has written about two running adventures that has taken him to the Copper Canyons of Mexico to run with the infamous Tarahumara tribe and to the Colorado Rockies to run a Burro race. Yes, that is right, running with donkeys. He embeds himself in his research on running adventures and tells the story of diverse people that unite, heal, and become enriched by their running experiences.
Born to run is a must read for those interested in running and fitness. Running with Sherman is a great read for all who love animals and share the joy of how they can teach us to be better humans. I look forward to Born to Run 2 for more education on running style and integrating the joys of running into more adventures.
A few of my favorite quotes from Running with Sherman;
“Flower was pushing me to try something I would never have done on my own, compete”
“Your brain may not remember, but your body will never forget that animals have guarded us since the Stone Age”… E.O. Wilson, Harvard.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Visit the website at doctordulaney.com for more information on how we can help you reach your health and fitness goals.
Thanks for listening.
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The key to most any improvement in health or performance is consistency. Day after day, year after year, consistent implementations of actions that lead to a certain goal. There is no stagnation. There is only improvement or decline. But how do we stay consistent? Lofty goals are not great motivators in the day to day practice. We have to test or assess. Benign neglect or ignoring and hoping for the best rarely results in a positive outcome. It is usually associated with a myriad of excuses on why that day was not fit for exercise or dietary changes.
I have best success with a series of goals that encourage consistency. The gravity of life does not permit coasting forward, but only accelerates a backward decline if action not taken.
I believe short assessments are best and allow slow incremental changes that result in big changes over time without the pain of abrupt change. How many miles or minute can you walk today? Could you add 1% more each day? Are you fluent enough in your exercise regimen or nutrition to trouble shoot complicated days when your routine is disrupted?
Are you worried about getting enough nutrients? Remember the best nutrients come from whole foods not synthetic additive. Plant based nutrient density is achieved by eating the rainbow and eating a diverse assortment of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Enjoy each meal visually and gastronomically. Thanks for listening.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 403 with Ginny MacColl
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Welcome! and Thank You for listening!
This episode features Ginny MacColl. She is a mother, actress, swimmer, and Ninja Warrior at the young age of 70. No, they are not age specific obstacles, she is doing the same obstacle course as the 20 somethings, and she didn’t start training for Ninja until her mid 60s. Her motto: “Strength is Ageless”. Her attitude is “you can do more than you think you can”.
She started acting and dancing in her twenties. She started pull-up training at 63 after being given a diagnosis of osteopenia. That was not at the recommendation of her doctor but from her Ninja Warrior Super Star Daughter, Jessie Graff. I am sure you are going to be motivated and inspired by this energetic, positive, interview with Ginny MacColl.
Her key points:
Strength is Ageless
Break any Obstacle or Challenge into baby steps
Take failure as a motivator
You can do more than you think you can
Find your motivator and be consistent
I can’t do that, YET!
Here is how you can find her:
Instagram: Ginnymccoll
My website: doctordulaney.com
Email with questions to jami@doctordulaney.com
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast:Vegan Kids, Steps and Broccoli.
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Is feeding kids plant based unhealthy? Is it too risky and complicated to try? The healthiest 2 year old I know has been plant based since conception. Children are growing and developing and require more attention to nutrients. We assume that if they are not underweight, they are getting all the nutrients they need. The problem with eating a vegan diet is that it is not calorie dense and children may not get the nutrients they need if they do not consume enough food. That said fiber is one of the healthiest parts of a plant based diet. It leads to a healthy gut microbiome and hence, a healthy immune system. Junk food diets tend to be high in calories, low in fiber and high in metabolic waste such as preservatives, artificial colors and tastes and toxins. We assume that if a child is growing they are healthy. That is more often than not the case.
Why is broccoli so good for you? Does it loose nutrients when it is cooked? Are powders and pills just as good? We will discuss this and more.
Can you walk off diabetes? If so how much do you have to walk. How should we measure our activities. Is more better?
I hope you find this episode interesting. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
website: doctordulaney.com
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmias that people develop. It can require hospitalization as well as long term medications that can have side effects. I am often asked whether a plant based diet can prevent or reverse such arrhythmias. The answer is possibly yes. Yes, if risk factors such as hypertension, elevated BMI, diabetes, smoking, and sleep apnea can be reversed through lifestyle changes. In a 29 year career as a cardiologist, I have not seen such a reversal take place with medication therapies alone. In fact, a recent study confirmed that only 5.4% of people ever achieve risk factor control despite all of the medications available.
The good news is that a plant based diet and exercise can reverse the risk factors. However, it takes a consistent daily commitment that is permanent.
I will address some factors that help in making such lifestyle changes.
Thanks for listening.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
My summer vacation from Florida to Houston and Houston to Florida was a celebration of four generations of family all thriving on a plant-based diet and movement. Running, swimming and celebrating all while eating plant based. It would be easy to give up our nutritional lifestyle and eat like the rest of American from fast food restaurants and service stations full of sugar, salt and fat. Driving across Interstate 10 from the Florida panhandle to Houston, Texas the scene varied little. Obesity, pale complexions, and difficulty walking were the norm.
I did make a nutritional mistake and purchased Purely Elizabeth Oatmeal that contained BOVINE COLLAGEN. It was right on the front label, and I missed it!
Who would think there is cow ligaments in oatmeal?
The collagen subject comes up as much as protein consumption. In reality, collagen is a type of protein made of amino acids that we can make and process. Taking in collagen protein is no different than eating animal protein. It is broken down into the component amino acids and reassembled into proteins that the body may need. Collagen is marketed widely to help with skin, wound healing, bone healing and digestion. OR…. Our bodies can make it given plant proteins, along with vitamin C, E, and zinc. I will give you some reasons why taking a little more vitamin c is much better than eating dehydrated chicken feet to build collagen.
The choice to stay plant based and exercise while traveling is yours. It may not be the same as at home but taking the stairs and getting in some walks along with eating a health nutrient diet will go a long way to vacation success.
Thank you for listening.
Find out more about our practice with the links below.
Email: jami@doctordulaney.com
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 399- Time
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I turned 60 this week. I am entering the senior years of my life. Time is my most precious commodity. Do I coast or push? Many people promise the fountain of youth through pills or procedures. But I challenge you to take charge of your health now.
In reality, most modern medical procedures and pharmaceuticals patch problems rather than cure them. The accumulation of metabolic waste begins to take its toll and diagnosis increase as do medications and ailments.
I believe the best way to eliminate metabolic waste and improve health is through plant based nutrition and movement. I want to share this secret with as many people as I can for my remaining years. Would you like to join me as an outlier in health and wellness?
Standing decreases your risk of death and major cardiac events as noted in a recent publication that I will discuss. Do you stand for 8 hours a day? Let me help you do a few calculations. Excessive sodium intake results in vascular injury and heart disease. Do you really know how much sodium is in your food?
Who are you going to trust to assure your food is as healthy as it can be? Spoiler, it can only be you. Your choice. Health and nutrition over marketing and gimmicks. What are you waiting for? The clock is ticking.
Thank you for listening.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions
Website: doctordulaney.com