
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 384- Brazos Bend 50 Mile Race
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Brazos Bend 50 Mile race is successfully in the books!
13 hour and 4 seconds. Three 16.8 mile loops.
This podcast is a recap of the race. Like life there were bumps in the road. However, everything seems to work out if you can keep putting one foot in front of the other. Life and the timer continues to move even if you stop so it is best to keep in motion. I am convinced we humans thrive best if we keep moving. I paid close attention to the fluids and nutrition I consumed during the race. Without doing that the outcome could have been much worse. I was fueling for my desired goal. I think that is perhaps the best lesson I can share. Whether you are racing or living day to day life, fueling your body for the desired outcome is the most important aspect of achieving that outcome. Poor food choices lead to bad outcomes like lifestyle diseases. The problem is the consequences are not necessarily appreciated that day. For most, goals are changed to fit declining health status. Instead of being active, the outcome is to just exist and be a spectator of life. Survive instead of thrive.
Have you been labeled with bad knees or a bad back? Do you have chronic conditions that limit your activities. Are those stories limiting you more than they need to be? Have a listen to the podcast and perhaps you might just realize you have just scratched the surface of your potential.
Thanks for listening. Email me a jami@doctordulaney.com
doctordulaney.com is our website. We would love to help you start a new healthy adventure. You can also sign up for our free newsletter that includes a healthy recipe each month.

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Osteoporosis is a diagnosis that is said to just happen. You wake up one day and get the diagnosis. Sometimes people fall first, but largely the diagnosis is made by a DEXA scan. So now what do you do? Medication ? Supplements? I have a better solution. Prevention and personal intervention.
Prevention starts young. Lessing the disease
later. Avoiding complications starts now. I will discuss what to eat and how to move as great alternative therapies.
Ackee.... Mamey sapote... two fruits I will be sharing stories of this podcast. Warning! Don't eat without reading the directions. That said don't miss out on a one of natures greatest surprises.
Thank you for listening.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Check out the practice and sign up for the newsletter at doctordulaney.com

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
As they say, "You've come a long way baby". Or not. Dwight Eisenhower died of a heart attack in 1969. War on heart disease was declared by then Vice President Nixon. It seems that the war on heart disease has been our longest war with many casualties. About 650,000 die each year for 52 years is about 33 million people through 2021. Not to belittle this, but the deaths from World War II were in the 60 million arena.
There are many opinions on why we have not got a handle on heart disease despite all of the interventions and medications available. We all agree that diet plays a great role, because everyone says to eat a healthy diet to prevent heart disease. But what is a healthy diet?
The short answer is not to worry about enough of but focus on the too much of concept. After World War II, there was a valid concern that we could not feed the human population. Agribusiness stepped in with nitrogen based fertilizers and the development of mono-crops such as corn, soybean and wheat spread wildly. Now we have food within eye shot of most hours of the day. You can even get dinner at the gas station. So is it the gas companies that are the blame for heart disease?
Waste not want not. How do we stop eating all of the food that is available? Do we need a pill? Or can we do some simple changes that help a lot. Let's talk. Thanks for listening.
Want to find out more about the practice. Go to doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Get some recipes that are easy and healthy in our cookbook

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 381: Intangibles
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Intangibles as defined by Webster’s dictionary, are things unable to be touched, or are vague and abstract. They are not easily grasped or precisely measurable. This episode will try to shed some light on how we might train intangibles on a journey to becoming plant based.
Should you get dental x-rays when asymptomatic or before a dentist has even examines your mouth? I might be ranting about that as well. We don’t ask why and how that might benefit my health near enough in our health care decisions.
Corporate sponsors of the ADA include but not limited to Henry Schein Corp. (an S&P Fortune 500 company providing dental practice solutions), Cogate, Proctor and Gamble, Crest and Waterpik just to name a few. So just like the AMA, policy is heavily influenced by corporate interests.
Can you wait until you are older to change to a healthy diet? There is certainly benefit at any age, but I discuss some recently published studies linking early age diet with later health costs and illness.
As always, email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com
Thank you for listening.

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Welcome! and thank you for listening.
This episode features four runners that are members of our wellness practice that have taken control of their own health and stepped into an endurance training regimen culminating in finishing the Treasure Coast half and whole marathons.
We often hear people say, “when I get healthy, I’m going to do…”. That day rarely comes because they are waiting for someone else or some other treatment or procedure to provide health. What defines health and limitations is ultimately an individual perception.
This episode features Erica Salerno Shadowens, a breast cancer survivor, Nanette Rodgers, 86 years young with valvular heart disease, Dick Willard, a colon cancer survivor, and Hutch Strahm, with coronary stents and insulin requiring diabetes. Each have had significant “challenges” in their path to health but have chosen to use endurance training as a part of their healing.
I hope you enjoy the chats with each of them as well as a few words from our RDN, exercise physiologist, Addie Majnaric. Thanks also to Michael Hubbard for always supporting my efforts and always sharing a great smile across all our finish lines together.
“I took a diagnosis and turned it into a positive” Erika Salerno Shadowens
“I you think you can, you can; if you think you can’t, you can’t” Dick Willard
“Get with a group and run/walk/run” Nannette Rodgers
“Massive goals don’t require massive actions, but consistent actions” Hutch Strahm
Website: doctordulaney.com
Email: jami@doctordulaney.com
Girl is on fire: Alicia Keys
Run like Hell: Pink Floyd
I”m Shipping up to Boston: Dropkick Murphys
All Day Long: Billy Currington
Feeling Good: Nina Simone

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast: Episode 379 Headliners
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Headliners and Bullet Points drive our information in today’s fast-moving world. It is especially good when those headliners support our way of thinking. Studies to prove our point supports our daily choices and perceptions. But what about the fine print? Some of us read the headlines and the abstract that summarizes the studies. We might even drop down into the results. A good study will have a great discussion about the pros and cons of the findings and almost always ends with a statement of more research is needed. That is because there is no definitive answer in science. There is always more to learn. We change our behaviors as we learn. The studies we like the most however, support our own opinions.
Today, I will present two studies that differ from my opinion. They do not support plant based nutrition and they get great headlines because they support mainstream opinion on nutrition and its role in health. I hope you enjoy my discussion.
Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com
Visit our website at doctordulaney.com

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
This episode is dedicated to a dear friend of the practice that passed. He will be remembered for his smile and quick, bent over swagger. He was told to go to Florida and get his affairs in order several years ago after many cardiac and vascular procedures. He was on a host of medications and could only walk 25 steps before his legs began to cramp when I met him at a young age of 59. He lost weight and was able to walk without pain before life got in his way and ended taking his life at a very early age. Grace and humility come in all shapes and sizes, and I will be ever grateful for having known him and learned from him.
Can you eat plant based with a history of kidney stones? Are they from calcium, oxalate, uric acid? Plants? Animals? I will set you mind at ease. Spoiler, eat your vegetables and fruits.
Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com
Music: Theme to Patch Adams by Bryan Kujawa

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Happy Valentine's Day. Happy love and friendship to others. But please wish yourself a Happy Valentine's day. Yes you are worthy of good health, love and friendship. It starts with you. Why not me? Why not you?
Getting to be in control is powerful, and starting that control with your food choices will give you power and strength to make other good choices. Choosing comfort food because it gives you control is merely a disguise for retreat and hurt. Choosing health and healthy foods puts you on a course of determination and free choice for your health and health span.
Allicin is a great protein found in garlic-listen to hear how.
You are never too old or too young to benefit from a plant based diet. Find out how many years it will add to your life. And that does not include healthspan.
St. Valentine's memory has lasted almost two thousand years because of his act of kindness and strength. The Romans thought the heart was the center of emotions. I would like to believe it is a connection to the soul of others. There is no replacement for the human connection.
Go ahead and share a little of your heart with someone this Valentine's day. Happy Valentine's day.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Check out our practice information or sign up for our newsletter at doctordulaney.com https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35052591/
Chocolate lava cake: Vegan_govegan on Instagram.
Applesauce, oat flour, silken tofu vs yogurt, cacao powder, maple syrup, chocolate square, strawberries, soy milk and baking powder.

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
It is my only option. We are running out of options. Those might be familiar phrases that you have heard or used in the past. I would like to add that there are always options. There are other choices, other perceptions, other stories, and other outcomes. We limit our own options most of the time to the ones we want or that are easiest.
February marks the beginning of heart month. There are 650,000 deaths each year from cardiovascular disease and thousands more procedures done to try and decrease those numbers. Despite all the interventions and medications, cardiovascular disease is still the number one killer. The sad part is most of those deaths could have been prevented or delayed with another option.
The problem is that the best option is not always the easiest option. It does not always come naturally. It is not always the quickest solution.
To uses my broken toe as an example is a bit simplistic and much less serious. However, my favorite option for fitness is running. My favorite challenge is endurance during running and to strategize the training and racing of long events. I will now have to limit weight bearing on my right foot because of my tiniest toe so that it can heal, and I can resume my favorite pastime. The problem is fitness. How will I maintain fitness and not use my foot. I will need to invoke options that I are not my favorite. However, it gives me the opportunity to be creative and a chance to strategize how I will accomplish the task. My desired outcome is to be healthy. I will now have to use other options to achieve that outcome.
We are never out of options, and the choice of options is yours. You get to strategize and plan for your desired options. Get as much information as you can and choose the best option for you.
It is heart month. There is no need for a broken heart. Check out our website at doctordulaney.com or email me at jami@doctordulaney.com for some options that may appeal to you.
Thank you for listening.

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
We make thousands of decisions each day and have as many different events in our lives. Some events we plan and some we react to. How we react is our choice. It is also our choice on how we weave the story of our lives from those events and our perceptions of them. We choose different events throughout our lives to justify why our story is such. Others may have a totally different story of your life. But ultimately, your story is the real one and the one remembered long after you are gone.
The story of your health and nutrition are the same. You get to write it. Sure things happen that you didn't expect or even deserve. But how you reacted is the real story that you get to write. Our relationship with food is part of our story. However, we still have the opportunity to write that story how we choose.
I hope you can find a bit of blue sky in each day and each meal that helps you write a story of health and fulfillment. Remember it is your perception that ultimately defines your story.
Enjoy the episode. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions or if you know Steph Curry and can get me a handshake at the Warriors game January 31, 2022. The Diva would love it.
Check our our practice at doctordulaney.com to learn more about our practice community and how you might join.
Thank you for listening!