Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Plant based nutrition is a very effective method to reverse lifestyle diseases such as coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. Eating plant based and only plant protein sources is associated with a decrease in cancer and cancer recurrences. People with kidney disease can have a slowing of the progression by eating plant based and eliminating sources of animal protein.
You would think something so effective would be embraced widely and supported by friends and family. The reality is that many can’t seem to pull it off. Why is healthy food admonished? Why is it cool to eat junk food and overeat? Why do some people believe it will not work for them? What is a reasonable price to pay for health?
Nike says, “Just do it”. My father used to say, “buck up”. I hear I am trying, or I have a lot of excuses. The effort comes from a commitment from within. I am healthy. Therefore, I do not eat that. I lament on these topics and more in today’s podcast. I hope you enjoy.
Want to buy a plant based gift of a free zoom cooking class? Check out our website for details.
Check out the website at doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Pick up a copy of our book; Plant Based Wellness Cookbook, the Doctor, the Dietitian, and the Diva.https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-nc-drs1_0?cv_ct_cx=doctor+diva&dchild=1&keywords=doctor+diva&pd_rd_i=1733967702&pd_rd_r=5ea2ba98-f20b-42bf-a395-2411169e0a92&pd_rd_w=kV1w0&pd_rd_wg=cFSqJ&pf_rd_p=84ce0865-d9ca-42e3-87ed-168be8f93162&pf_rd_r=2XYJEV4BDFZ6AM1FT8RY&psc=1&qid=1605895963&sr=1-1-88388c6d-14b8-4f70-90f6-05ac39e80cc0
Thank you for listening.
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. The Odyssey SwimRun is in the books. It was our first team event, and our first ever tethered swim!
Covid restrictions has dampened our usual racing season. That seems a little selfish, but we use races as life challenges. Marathons, ultras, and Ironman races are ways to get out of your comfort zone. You never know what will happen, but you know there will be challenges both in training and on race day. The concept of SwimRun was inaugurated after a bet with two friends to swim island to island running in between. It was called Otillo or island to island. The original race covered 24 islands in Sweden. Competitors carry their swim gear of paddles, and pull buoys, goggles and caps while wearing a wetsuit during the running portion. The swim is done in shoes while being tethered to a race partner. The race has caught on in other countries and the Odyssey SwimRun company odysseyswimrun.com has several races in the United States. Winners are eligible for the World Championship in Sweden.
Michael and I decided to give it a go and signed up for the Austin event a year ago. Covid hit and pools closed so our swimming came to a halt. Many other races were canceled, but we got word a month ago that the Austin SwimRun was on. So with less than 2000 yards of swim practice and no tether experience, we set out for the long course event that totaled over 13 miles of running and 6000 yards of swimming.
Today's podcast is my recount of the event. Spoiler alert: we finished and had a great time. Perhaps you will join us in another event. If not at least check out our website to learn about optimal health and wellness through plant based nutrition and movement at doctordulaney.com
Don't know how to cook plant based? Grab our cookbook or get one for a friend: Plant Based Wellness Cookbook, the Doctor, the Dietitian, and the Diva.
Thanks for listening!
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Do you go to your doctor to hear what makes you happy or to hear the truth about your state of health? Would you like to go back to the old days when a physician might not tell you the truth about your prognosis because he didn't think you could understand or handle it?
Medicine went through a transition not all that long ago to emphasize the patients right to know and make informed decisions. It is when consent forms started to be a part of medical practice in the late 1980s. However, we are having a shift in healthcare to more of a popularity contest. Feel good medicine. Take this pill and you will be ok, or feel better, or feel nothing. Let's put candy in the waiting room to reward you for coming to check on the state of your health decline. Now there is even a push to offer ice cream as a means to get people to have a colonoscopy!!!
Before you sign on to the ice cream truck mobile colonoscopy unit, let me bring you back to reality. There is not a pill or procedure that eliminates lifestyle diseases. Health starts and stops at the dinner table. You health decline does not take breaks for ice cream nites, or weeks without exercise. And it certainly does not take breaks for cheesecake after gastric bypass or ice cream preps for colonoscopies.
We want to help people achieve optimal health and wellness. It involves a hard look at ones present state of health and education to see that the shiny boxes and billboards are products with the financial health of the manufacture or salesperson first.
If you are ready to truly get healthy and fit, contact me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Check out the website at doctordulaney.com. Thank you for listening.
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!. Today Addie Majnaric, RDN and I reflect on the three year anniversary of our plant based wellness practice. There is nothing better than to be able to work with your plant based registered dietitian, daughter. We are also very thankful for Barbara Dill, our front office person, and Dawn McMaster LPN, our plant based nurse. Barbara, Dawn and I have worked together for 22 years and Addie grew up with them in our medical practice.
The past three years have been a radical change from traditional cardiology that was largely hospital based with heart catheterizations and other procedures to a practice where nutrition class is at the heart of the practice. I could not be more happy to trade a catheter for a spatula!
The biggest change has been the reversal of lifestyle diseases instead of just trying to control ever progressing diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. We are taking more people off of medications than prescribing new ones. Hospitalizations are rare in our patients that range from 31 to 98 years young. I have not had the need to do a heart catheterization in over 2 years!.
The nutrition class provides a community of like minded individuals looking for wellness through nutrition and movement. Our wellness challenges, developed by Addie Majnaric are aimed at making daily movement fun as well as a way to interact with others in the practice.
We have members around the country that take part in our weekly Zoom nutrition class where we cook a recipe together and discuss the latest topics in health and wellness.
I hope you find this anniversary podcast informative and entertaining. We are grateful for the opportunity to help our members achieve optimal health and wellness through our plant based family community.
Thank you for listening. Check out our website at doctordulaney.com and email us at jami@doctordulaney.com and addie@doctordulaney.com.
You can purchase our cookbook that is used in class and at our home with recipes by the Doctor, the Dietitian, and the Diva.
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 275: We all Struggle
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Today I am going to share with you a few stories that you might just identify with. Sometimes, people think they have more trouble changing than others. Or perhaps they have more trouble with support than others. It is really not true.
Don't feel bad that your family does not support your nutritional choices. It is not you, it is them. They are not ready to change, and they don't want to admit they are struggling as well. No one want to be sick or overweight. They don't want to admit their food choices are making them sick.
However, you do deserve health and support. Perhaps we could declare the golden rule of nutrition. If you don't like mine, at least support me in my presence. If you are paying the bill, you get to choose. If it is your house, you get to choose. Eat your vegetables and fruit. Be kind to others. Respect your parents. You have the power to choose health even it others elect not to.
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com
Email me at Jami@doctordulaney.com to find out more about our practice. We provide a community of like minded people looking for optimal health and wellness, both in person and online.
Follow us on Facebook at JaimelaDulaney.
Thank you for listening.
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!
Do you eat fast food? Do you feed your dog fast food? Do you suffer from inflammatory diseases? How about your furry companion? The leading cause of taking a pet to the veterinarian is allergies or skin conditions. These conditions are often a manifestation of poor immune health. What are the contributing factors? What can we learn about ourselves by looking at our animal’s health?
This episode features Dr. Will Falconer, DVM. We discuss how nutrition and over preventative treatments leads to poor immune function in our pets, and how we can help them to regain their health. This is just another example of how important nutrition is to the health of people, animals ,and the planet. What we consume is directly reflected through our appearance, health and overall immune function.
Learn more about Dr. Will Falconer, DVM at vitalanimal.com Check out his podcast at https://vitalanimal.com/vital-animal-podcast/
Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com and check out our website at doctordulaney.com
Our cookbook: Plant Based Wellness Cookbook, the Doctor, the Dietitian, and the Diva can be purchased on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2RDDTJF0YIZBS&dchild=1&keywords=plant+based+wellness+cookbook+dulaney&qid=1602286518&sprefix=plant+based+wellness+co%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-3
Thanks for listening!
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. The perfect debate question to me is a problem defined. and then solved by the debating parties. We did not see much of that during this week's debate. So I have taken it upon myself to debate the healthcare issue. Firstly, it should be defined as sick care because there is little investment in health. How to make America healthy again? I believe it can be done without doing harm.
Let's address the obese elephant in the room shall we? Vaccine and safety? What are the risk vs benefits? What about skin in the health game? How much pain is needed to push someone to a healthier lifestyle? When does our choice affect others?
I will give you my opinion on many of these topics on this episode. Let's start with what we all have in common.
Thanks for listening! Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com and please check out the website at doctordulaney.com.
Thanks for listening !
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Welcome!, and Thank you for listening!
If you injured your knees playing football, then why did they not hurt until you were 40? At what age did you become sedentary? When could you no longer touch your toes? Is that even important?
I am going to discuss those topics and more in today's podcast. I will also give you 6 plant based tasty menu ideas that will help you to get dinner on the table without stress. What is a good reason to have a heart catheterization? How might you avoid it. I hope you enjoy.
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com. Thanks for listening.
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
There are so many nutritional claims suggesting certain foods result in the best outcome. But what outcomes are they referring to? How much dietary change do you really need to do? Why change anyway?
Today’s discussion is about risk versus benefits. How do you personally measure health improvement? What is a reasonable health goal? What happens if you just roll the dice and do nothing?
I will give you six tips to improve your overall health, and the health of your fury friends. We will also discuss how your immune function is related to cancer, autoimmune disease, and infections.
If you need a little accountability to help make some big health strides, go on over to doctordulaney.com and checkout our membership options.
Email me at Jami@doctordulaney.com Check out the plant based striders on facebook and run and bike with us virtually.
Thanks for listening. If you find this podcast entertaining and helpful. Please go on over to iTunes and give me a 5 star rating. It helps to grow our community.
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Will I live to be 100 if I am plant based? I have good genes so perhaps I don't need to worry. I exercise a lot so, I can eat what I want. Now and then, a little won't hurt you. These are all things that you hear people say in order to justify dietary choices. The reality is that there are many factors that go into longevity, and most people spin their own justifications for their behaviors.
I hope that after today's podcast, you will be able to answer some of the tough questions that are posed to people that have chosen to follow a plant strong lifestyle. The reality is that the incidence of obesity and poorly controlled hypertension is increasing. Our nation is becoming more and more unhealthy. I believe that eating a diverse plant based diet along with vigorous exercise is much better than rolling the dice on good genes or ones ability to outrun a poor diet and lifestyle. ,
Thank you for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com and visit the website at doctordulaney.com