Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! When did you begin to feed yourself? What exactly does that mean? A Poptart, a cheese burger and fries and a pizza? Do you think Hamburger helper makes a meal complete? Do you think about minerals and vitamins when you plan your meals? Do you even need to?
This is the topic I did a deep dive into on today’s podcast. I believe part of why plant-based nutrition seems so impossible to some people is that they believe most important nutrients come from animal products. Meat may be considered an all-encompassing nutrient source. Perhaps eating animal products takes the guess work out of nutrition. You will learn it comes at a high price for your health.
I hope you enjoy the podcast. Check out our website at doctordulaney.com to find out how we can help to clear the fog on the practice of nutrition and how it relates to our health. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Link to our cookbook:
Thank you for listening!
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! When can you call yourself a runner? Do you have to win a race, run a marathon or just show up? Do you think of running as punishment or something other people do?
Today's interview features Dana Ayers, a US Navy reservist, management consultant and you guessed it, runner. To her, running is an adventure. A way to explore and face unknowns. She was not a high school or college runner. She considers herself a back of the pack runner who takes it all in and enjoys the unexpected experiences along the way.
This was a fun interview that showcases the need to have fun and joy with a little wellness thrown in. I hope you enjoy my chat with Dana.
You can purchase her paperback on Amazon, download the Kindle version and soon listen to the Audible version at
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Check out our website at doctordulaney.com . Join our facebook running and biking page called Plant based runners and bikers to share the fun of running and biking plant style. Thank you for listening.
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Who domesticated who? Our canine friends are most likely descendants from wolves over 14,000 years ago. In fact, when people say you look like your dog, they are not that far off genetically when you look at our shared microbial DNA.
Some of my veterinarian collogues are realizing the importance of nutrition when it comes to canine health. They too have very little nutrition training and are swayed by industry when it comes to marketed food and supplement products.
Both the canine and human species are very resilient and can survive on a wide range of diets for some time before adverse health effects start to occur.
How do we care for our animal companions and ourselves with regard to optimal health and wellness? It is a path with many questions and challenges. I hope you enjoy my ramblings about what I have learned and experienced.
Please check out our website at doctordulaney.com Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Thank you for listening!
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 267: Asking the Right Questions
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Welcome! and thank you for listening. There is a lot of health opinions and advise offered freely on the web. How much is true? How do you sort it out? Who is an expert? Does Yale or Harvard mean more than Ohio State when it comes to physicians, statisticians or perhaps veterinarians?
Sometimes we tend to listen to answers without taking in to account the question that were asked? It makes a big difference on how information is provided. Perhaps you have heard the phrase, on a need to know basis.
Today I will be asking you to think about some questions I pose? Do you really know the answers? Don't sell yourself short. Look at your life experience when contemplating some of the answers. It might lead to more questions. We are all learning, and when someone is sure of all the answers, you had better ask more questions.
I hope you enjoy the episode. Check out our website at doctordulaney.com to get more information on my practice. Thank you for listening.
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 266-Thank you Samantha
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Welcome! and thank you for listening. I am a plant based cardiologist and also a vegan. As many of you know our family has rescue dogs and cats. This week I had to say goodbye to my beloved GSD rescue, Samantha. It was more that she rescued me from the heart break of losing a previous dog than I rescued her. We connected immediately. She spoke with her big brown eyes, and even at the end she used those eyes to tell me it was time for her to go. She died of a genetic disease called degenerative spinal myelopathy. Samantha was vegan. She loved her vegetables and fruit. It is difficult to prep for a meal without her at my feet waiting patiently for a sample. Did being vegan prolong her life? I know she enjoyed what she ate and her coat was beautiful as her personality.
Plant based wellness is about eating plant based and living well. We have written prescriptions for a rescue dog for more than one patient.
I hope you enjoy my story of Samantha and how I believe that a rescue companion animal will bring love and wellness to your life.
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com. Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com
Thank you for listening.
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode: 265: A Passion for Health
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Why do some people seem to make the transition to plant based nutrition so easy and others struggle. Why does there have to be pain before people make a change.
I have been treating people with lifestyle diseases my whole career, and it has only been since incorporating nutrition classes into my practice that I have been able to see reversal of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension as well as many autoimmune diseases.
We will discuss stumbling blocks to change, success stories and much more in today's episode.
Please email me with questions at Jami@doctordulaney.com and check out the website at doctordulaney.com to see how you can become part of the practice.
Thank you for listening.
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. This episode is an interview with the director and cast of the documentary, The Road to 50 Miles. Jennifer McMahon and Kara Wilson are mid pack mom runners who decide to take on the challenge to run a 50 mile endurance race called The American River 50 in Folsom, California. Brandy Johnston is their friend and film producer that decides to document their journey. Their positive, inspiring story is what the world needs to focus on in times where negative headlines seems to catch all the attention. Join me in discussing their training, race plan, and fun times training and racing in our chat about the 50 miles race.
If you have become plant based, you have taken a step outside the norm and most likely your comfort zone. Now that you are fueling your body in a more healthy way, it is time to focus on movement to keep your mobility and strength as long as you breathe. Follow your passion, and step outside your comfort zone. If you need help or suggestions, check out our website at doctordulaney.com to learn more about our wellness programs.
Road to 50 Miles: check out the links and websites
Facebook and Instagram @roadto50miles
The American River 50
Running Your First Ultra by Krissy Moehl
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Yes and no, black and white, mobile and stiff, yin and yang, win or loose. What is the penalty for changing your mind? We all agree change is a must, unless it has to do with your opinion or viewpoint. We change our hair style and our clothes style. We upgrade our phones. But we are uncomfortable changing our philosophies. Right or wrong is important. I believe that is why changing your nutrition can be so difficult. Our views on eating are strongly attached to our beliefs. If we change, we are somewhat admitting we were wrong. Perhaps view it as not being wrong before but being more right today. Being on the right side of an argument is important to many of us. These are the things that makes life a challenge. When we can keep an open mind, it is easier to learn and change. It may be easier yet to change if we do not attach right or wrong to it.
Today, I want to discuss change with regards to exercising, recovering and nutrition. I think it will be a good exercise to look at a few examples as a means to learn and adapt. It may also be a way to empathize with others on their viewpoint.
To define something as better or worse, we need to place it in the context of a past event. Otherwise, it just is. I like to find something each day that is good. Perhaps it is even better than it was before, or it is just good for today. I hope you enjoy today's podcast as well as the rest of your day.
Check our our website at doctordulaney.com. We would love to offer you the opportunity to maximize your health and wellness. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Thank you for listening.
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!. How can you worry about dying from a virus and not coronary heart disease? It seems my local ER staff isn't concerned. If you are a women 45-50 your chances of a myocardial infarction (MI) or death from an MI is about 35/1000. If you are a man in the same age group it is 75/1000. or 3.5 -7.5% risk everyday of having a MI that could be fatal. The same age group carries a risk of COVID death of less than 1%. It looks to me like you would improve your odds by trading those hash browns for some fruit.
It is so hard to say no if everybody is doing it!. How could it be bad? No one talks about the 1700 plus heart disease deaths each day of every year. We can change that right now by changing our diets, and by doing so we also decrease our risk of dying of an infectious disease when exposed.
How many people try to go plant based, and go out with friends that beg them to have animal products? How many people say no to the fatty chips and sugary drinks because it looks better than the salad to them. The first step is believing you can make a difference, and it matters everyday. People talk about wearing a mask to protect others but then make poor dietary choices that pulls others into the same pattern. We pick and choose our battles based on what sacrifices we have to make. Wear your mask, but serve greasy burgers and fries to your family? How many people are bringing fruit and homemade soups to those at risk for vascular disease and infectious diseases.
It starts with one person setting the example. If I can do it, so can you. Let's make our food choices healthy and diverse to feed our microbiome in ways that make us resistant to infectious diseases as well as lifestyle diseases.
It is possible to go from the couch to the marathon if you have CAD. It is possible to achieve a normal BMI through plant based nutrition and exercise. We are doing this everyday in our wellness practice. Doing the hard work by working together to make sure we all are healthy and happy. It is not diet camp but a community of healthy individuals supporting each other as lifestyle diseases are reversed.
I hope you enjoy by thoughts on health during today's podcast. Go on over to the website at doctordulaney.com and see how we are taking health into our own hands. Follow me on Instagram and FB at Jaimeladulaney or the Plantbasedstriders. I would love to hear from you.
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Protecting the aging heart is something all cardiologists should think about. In fact, we all should think about that as well as protecting the aging immune system, and the aging skeletal system. Protecting against what? The problem is we don't protect our bodies, we wait until they break and then try to patch things up. Protection would mean we do not let the problems start. Pathology begins to occur when there is an excess in metabolic waste within the cells and cell organelles. A cluttering in the cells that does not allow for normal function and then actually causes dysfunction. The problem is we don't start to address the issues until there is dysfunction.
How can we expect our bodies to fight serious infections like COVID if it is already working overtime just to function regularly. The heart strains to pump blood to excess adipose tissue through blood vessels that are clogged with excessive inflammatory compounds, cholesterol, fat and glucose. Our immune system is strained taking care of the toxins ingested on a daily basis and the inflammatory reactions that result all over the body. We are walking around overweight with elevated blood pressures, heart rates and inflammation.
The good news is that these things can be reversed through plant based nutrition and exercise. Enjoy today's podcast for tips to get around the areas in your life that trips you up.
Join our group. Click on doctordulaney.com to become an online member to get the support you need to take back your health. Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com. Thank you for listening.