Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Are we at the mercy of our genetics? Should we just accept our fate as being genetically flawed is some way or another. There is talk about plasticity of the brain or forming new circuits. Body builders change their shape through specific workouts. We can become runners after starting a couch to 5 K program. So why do we think we cannot change our genetic fate when it comes to cancer or cardiovascular disease.
Most allopathic physicians focus on testing and following disease progression. I even heard from a patient that was told by a cardiologist that he will know when he needs him. Why wait until you already have disease? The only preventative therapy is medication in the world of sick care. Take as much as you can tolerate before side effects become intolerable.
One such example is the release of new medications that become part of protocols that everyone with a diagnosis receives. No individual evaluation. One size fits all. A pharmaceutical representative educates providers with the study results. There is only time for the conclusion. There is no discussion of the actual patients studied or of the patients that were rejected from the study because of intolerances. Just prescribe the new drug and eat a free lunch.
However, you can greatly influence your longevity through nutrition and exercise. Start the journey and continue to grow and build your comfort levels. Track your wins or progress. Note how you feel after exercise or eating well. And if you would like some guidance or support, check out our website to see how you can become a member of our practice.
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I had the pleasure of welcoming my second grandchild, Cecelia Joy, into the world last week. It is a blessing getting to experience the world through the eyes of a child, and do be able to do it as a grandparent is even more special. We have time and perspective that allows us to have a special bond different from the parents. The pressure is off. We are the good guys.
But how much time, and what is the quality of that time? My grandparents died when I was fairly young and I wished I had more time with them. For the last several years of their lives, they were not that mobile and limited in their activities. It does not have to be that way. But you cannot rely on luck. How do you get to be the cool grandparent that does not hold anyone back and encourages living life to the fullest.
Today's episode is a grandparent want a be training boot camp. Join me in living life to the fullest. After you finish the episode, slide on over to
and check out our practice opportunities. We will get you in shape through a varieties of plans.
Today's study references:
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Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
As we approach Super Bowl Weekend, we will hear about how a positive mental attitude and optimism affect high level athletics. Why not me? Anything is possible if you believe. We can win if we execute our game plan.
We root for our teams and send them positive vibes believing that it makes a difference. But when it comes to our own health, it seems unlikely that we can have an influence. It is our genes. It is the institution and physicians that we need to make us well. We are at the mercy of the latest technology.
Optimism and a positive mental attitude can lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality significantly. Our thoughts are very much tied to our autonomic nervous system which affects blood pressure, inflammation, and even our DNA. There are no side effect to administering or training our minds to be more positive. Why not you?
You have to start training. Why not start with breakfast. Enjoy this episodes and get your PMA going.
Thanks for listening.
Use this link to join our online practice. https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney Use the code cleanwaterforsophie for discounts
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
You had better be careful eating that plant based diet. You could be deficient in all kinds of things. You could even be anemic? Are you tired? Perhaps you suffer from iron deficiency. These statements are all possible; if you eat a vegan diet of Oreos and vegan deli slices.
Iron is vital to a whole host of reactions in and out of the body. Have you ever seen rust? It is vital to make red blood cells, repair DNA and metabolize nutrients. It is also very hard to get rid of especially if you are a male. So before your health care provider starts to worry you, listen to this podcast and find out if your are at risk.
Why is there a national donut day and not a fruit day? Why are people afraid of fruit? Is eating fruit flavored things the same as eating fruit? That seems to be just fine in mainstream information. No one has blamed donuts for causing cancer. In fact they have a holiday. Why not fruit?
Doctor: you are gaining weight. Patient: It is the fruit. The answer is in the podcast.
If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a review on ITunes so that I can continue to provide it free of charge. I do appreciate it.
If you would like to receive all of our content. Check out the link below.
Thanks for listening.
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. discount code: Cleanwaterforsophie
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
There are two very important things to do each day for your mental health, sleep, and cheery disposition. I invite you to listen to find out. 90% of people do not achieve one of theses things on a regular basis. It has nothing to do with nutrition.
Did you know it takes twice as long to raise a steer grass fed versus grain and grass? A year longer to absorb more environmental toxins and concentrate them in the meat that carnivores consume abundant amounts of?
Did you know that Oreos lower cholesterol more than statins? In a study of one it did. I was not the subject. But is was creative science that has received a lot of clicks on the web.
I hope you enjoy the show. If you would like access to our members only content you can join by clicking the link below.
Pure Water Distillers: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening
I raced the Long Haul 100 Mile Trail Race this past weekend. There were many surprises and challenges over the 31 hours and 5 minutes that it took me to cross the finish line. In fact, there was a time when I did not think I would see or even care to see the finish line.
Ultrarunning is any running event over 26.2 miles. This one was 100 miles. Six times through a 16.7 mile loop at Colt Creek State Park in Florida. It was describes as grassy trails and hard pack jeep roads. Mother nature added water and mud.... Lots of it.
I want to thank my crew: Michael Hubbard, Lynda and Lew Albert, and Timaree Hagenburger. Without them, the story would be much different. They helped me and cared for me selflessly in cold, windy, conditions all day, all night, and into the next afternoon. The best part is that we are all ready to do it again. Just not tomorrow. Thanks to Andy Matthews, the race director for his tireless efforts to put on a race in extreme conditions. I hope he gets the mud out of his jeep wheels someday.
I hope you enjoy my story of the Long Haul 100.
Life is better when we do it together, and even better if we do it outside. Visit a state park with your friends and family and you will see it is the best $3 you will ever spend.
Music: Wake Me Up by Avicii
Join our online practice for $25/month. https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today I have Sandy Geisel as a guest. She is a long time ultra runner and adventure racer. Sandy just completed 60 marathons in her 60th year of life. Sandy also has a significantly high calcium score. Listen to the episode to find our our approach to an elevated calcium score.
Our practice takes a whole patient approach. We do not just look at numbers and tests. We work to maximize health through lifestyle interventions. Nutrition, mobility and mindset are keys to a healthy life. Sandy sets this example and I hope you enjoy listening to her.
Website: Doctordulaney.com
Sign up for a $25 membership with complete access to our members only content at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
Pure Water distillers: discount code: Cleanwaterforsophie
Veri Glucose monitors: https://c8.is/3F7fSLj
Discount code VSM-Doctordulaney
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. The year is coming to an end, but that does not mean we should ignore our health journey until next year. It matters right now and every day.
Early onset dementia, meaning occurring before 70 years of age, is associated with several risk factors that can be addressed now and prevented. There are 15 risk factors that stand out among many. It may seem obvious that a history of diabetes, previous stroke, heart disease or depression would be among them. But how about hand grip, Vitamin D and social isolation? I will discuss these and the others .
People often say this or that hospital is ranked number one and is the best. Why? Are you falling for purchased endorsements or advertisements? Is bigger better. For profit hospitals and especially Private Equity owned institutions have been associated with more medical errors, increased fall risks, and more blood infections. Are your health care choices motivated by corporate performance or patient care. Choose wisely while you still can.
You will have to listen to the episode to find out what simple exercise will add 3 years to your life and decrease your risk of a stroke by 40%.
If you like this content, you will enjoy what our online membership offers. Zoom lectures, cooking demonstrations, mobility classes, recipes, wellness challenges and much more. Follow the link to learn more.
Use code Cleanwaterforsophie for water distiller discount.
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Happy Holidays! This is the time of the year to reflect on the past year and make plans for the future. Celebrate the wins and learn from the losses. One of my favorite songs is Simple Gifts. One of the lines paraphrased is "Tis the gift to be simple is the gift to be free, Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be"
We tend to complicate our lives and our nutrition more than we need to. In the season of overindulgence, try to find ways to make things a little more simple.
I present a study today on sodium and blood pressure. The take away was that nearly everyone can lower their bp by reducing the sodium intake. The best way to do this is make food yourself. I will give you a few examples in today's podcast for celebrating a little healthier.
We are going live with our online virtual level one membership. For $25.00 a month, you can have access to ALL of our online content. It would be a great gift as well. The content includes lectures, videos, recipes, newsletters, wellness challenges and much more. We look forward to you joining our community. Go to doctordulaney.com to sign up now.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Thank you for listening. Happy Holidays.
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. We had a fabulous potluck yesterday with the members of the practice. It is hard to imagine why anyone would struggle with food choices when such great plant based recipes are everywhere.
The holiday season is a time for friends and families to come together to celebrate another year and the light that brings us all together. Eating healthy makes the enjoyment all the more positive.
However, nutrition alone is not able to keep us agile and healthy. We need to move. Those people that say that grain is bad because it is relatively new in terms of human existence never seem to mention another new thing to humans and that is a sedentary lifestyle. The easy button is really new! Don't cook, don't walk, don't go outside but please have a seat in this comfy recliner. I am going to present two paths to choose in today's podcast with real life examples. I hope it motivates your to move more and celebrate your health with those around you.
Thanks for listening. If you want to be apart of our village, go on over to doctordulaney.com and see how you can become a member. Email me with questions at jam@doctordulaney.com