
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Today I have the founder of MamaSezz healthy food company. As many of you know, MamaSezz began as a plant based whole meal delivery service. Meg had been in the food industry and retired only to discover the need for easy plant based meals for those not able or ready to prepare them for themselves. Her mother had developed congestive heart failure and was told to get her affairs in order. Meg researched how she could help her mom live well and discovered plant based nutrition. After doing a deep dive MamaSezz was founded.
Enjoy a recap of her story and how the company has transitioned. We talk about our vivacious moms who set so many great life examples as well as the obstacles to a healthy life from a nutrition and movement challenges. I
Listen to the end for a discount code for MamaSezz products.

Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
This episode features Susan Donnelly. She has run more 100 mile races than anyone on the planet! Over 145 one hundred mile races since 1999. She is the definition of an outlier not only with regard to running, but occupation and nutrition. Enjoy learning about how mindset during ultra running and how it applies to lifestyle changes.
Susan Donnelly: https://www.susanidonnelly.com
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney Cleanwaterforsophie discout code

Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 468-Who are You?
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Who are you? What story do you use to answer that question? Perhaps your story fits who you are but not who you wish to be. Today's podcast is about changing the story to become more healthy. Our story can help us accept our circumstances, but we often forget we are the authors of our future selves.
Changing who you are is about changing your story. Did a health crisis change your story? Health care providers are at a very high risk of planting seeds to change people's story. Perhaps you were active then had an accident. The doctor said you have bad knees. You rewrite your story to fit your bad knees. You cannot run, walk, or do sports. You gain weight because of your bad knees. You no longer enjoy travel because of your knees. Your story totally changes because of what your doctor said about your knees.
Today's episode is about changing your story. It certainly is not easy. But the joy of becoming the Real You is worth a little suffering. It is not a kick start or quick fix, it is a change in focus. A change in your story that can lead your to a healthier life. Have a listen. Thank you.
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. Discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Telomeres are the end caps on DNA that protect it from unraveling. They can be measure in white blood cells to determine their length. The shorter they become, the more likely for the DNA to start to develop errors. This leads to failure of the bodies organs and functions i.e. aging. It has recently been linked to the risk of developing heart failure.
There is another blood test that looks for DNA fragments in the plasma of the blood that is associated with colon cancer. Detecting advanced cancers is pretty good. It is not so good at detecting early treatable cancers. It is just a blood test. However, it is not perfect so what will you do with the results.
If a breast cancer tumor expresses estrogen receptors then inhibiting estrogen should decrease the cancer growth. How much is enough?
All of the above sound like reasonable tests and solutions. But do they prolong survival ? Very few studies actually look at overall survival resulting from an intervention. They look at disease free survival, or tumor regression, or ability to diagnosis a cancer. It seems as though a diagnosis could lead to more rapid treatment or more aggressive treatment would lead to a better outcome. But what are the downsides of a therapy or early diagnosis that might ultimately lead to side effects that shorten lifespan or decrease quality of lifespan.
Doing something and being aggressive are seen as positive interventions. Why don't we view lifestyle changes in the same way?
Aerobic exercise and strength training positively affects muscle mass, mitochondrial function, mental well being, and lifespan with very few side effects. If you are interested in learning how you can positively affect your healthspan, check out our websites at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com
A Cell-free DNA Blood-Based Test for Colorectal Cancer screening. NEJM March 14, 2024. p 973.
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney-code cleanwaterforsophie for discounts

Friday Mar 08, 2024
Friday Mar 08, 2024
Welcome! and thank you for listening.
Burro racers will tell you that a burro needs to feel safe in order to try something new. He will not be lured into a bad situation as he sees it. Horses are much more about pushing to the limits and need a variety of coaching to reach their potential.
When we discuss lifestyle changes with people, we need to know how they react to various forms of coaching.
Some people join a bootcamp that have not exercised in years only to get beat up in the first few sessions by a drill master that is trying to whip everyone in shape. They get injured and never go back, and reinforce why they are not cut out for the change. Some people are over the top and need a coach to actually slow them down before they hurt themselves. Finally, there are those that continue steady forward progress completing step after step with a continued eye on the goal. Knowing which type you are is important when you decide to embark on lifestyle changes.
There are multiple ways to make healthy lifestyle improvements. Check out our website at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
Enjoy the episode and do the fitness test to see where you are with regard to a healthy lifestyle.
Thanks for listening.
Use cleanwaterforsophie for a discount on water distillers

Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Are we at the mercy of our genetics? Should we just accept our fate as being genetically flawed is some way or another. There is talk about plasticity of the brain or forming new circuits. Body builders change their shape through specific workouts. We can become runners after starting a couch to 5 K program. So why do we think we cannot change our genetic fate when it comes to cancer or cardiovascular disease.
Most allopathic physicians focus on testing and following disease progression. I even heard from a patient that was told by a cardiologist that he will know when he needs him. Why wait until you already have disease? The only preventative therapy is medication in the world of sick care. Take as much as you can tolerate before side effects become intolerable.
One such example is the release of new medications that become part of protocols that everyone with a diagnosis receives. No individual evaluation. One size fits all. A pharmaceutical representative educates providers with the study results. There is only time for the conclusion. There is no discussion of the actual patients studied or of the patients that were rejected from the study because of intolerances. Just prescribe the new drug and eat a free lunch.
However, you can greatly influence your longevity through nutrition and exercise. Start the journey and continue to grow and build your comfort levels. Track your wins or progress. Note how you feel after exercise or eating well. And if you would like some guidance or support, check out our website to see how you can become a member of our practice.

Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I had the pleasure of welcoming my second grandchild, Cecelia Joy, into the world last week. It is a blessing getting to experience the world through the eyes of a child, and do be able to do it as a grandparent is even more special. We have time and perspective that allows us to have a special bond different from the parents. The pressure is off. We are the good guys.
But how much time, and what is the quality of that time? My grandparents died when I was fairly young and I wished I had more time with them. For the last several years of their lives, they were not that mobile and limited in their activities. It does not have to be that way. But you cannot rely on luck. How do you get to be the cool grandparent that does not hold anyone back and encourages living life to the fullest.
Today's episode is a grandparent want a be training boot camp. Join me in living life to the fullest. After you finish the episode, slide on over to
and check out our practice opportunities. We will get you in shape through a varieties of plans.
Today's study references:
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney Discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
As we approach Super Bowl Weekend, we will hear about how a positive mental attitude and optimism affect high level athletics. Why not me? Anything is possible if you believe. We can win if we execute our game plan.
We root for our teams and send them positive vibes believing that it makes a difference. But when it comes to our own health, it seems unlikely that we can have an influence. It is our genes. It is the institution and physicians that we need to make us well. We are at the mercy of the latest technology.
Optimism and a positive mental attitude can lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease and mortality significantly. Our thoughts are very much tied to our autonomic nervous system which affects blood pressure, inflammation, and even our DNA. There are no side effect to administering or training our minds to be more positive. Why not you?
You have to start training. Why not start with breakfast. Enjoy this episodes and get your PMA going.
Thanks for listening.
Use this link to join our online practice. https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney Use the code cleanwaterforsophie for discounts

Friday Feb 02, 2024
Friday Feb 02, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
You had better be careful eating that plant based diet. You could be deficient in all kinds of things. You could even be anemic? Are you tired? Perhaps you suffer from iron deficiency. These statements are all possible; if you eat a vegan diet of Oreos and vegan deli slices.
Iron is vital to a whole host of reactions in and out of the body. Have you ever seen rust? It is vital to make red blood cells, repair DNA and metabolize nutrients. It is also very hard to get rid of especially if you are a male. So before your health care provider starts to worry you, listen to this podcast and find out if your are at risk.
Why is there a national donut day and not a fruit day? Why are people afraid of fruit? Is eating fruit flavored things the same as eating fruit? That seems to be just fine in mainstream information. No one has blamed donuts for causing cancer. In fact they have a holiday. Why not fruit?
Doctor: you are gaining weight. Patient: It is the fruit. The answer is in the podcast.
If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a review on ITunes so that I can continue to provide it free of charge. I do appreciate it.
If you would like to receive all of our content. Check out the link below.
Thanks for listening.
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. discount code: Cleanwaterforsophie

Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
There are two very important things to do each day for your mental health, sleep, and cheery disposition. I invite you to listen to find out. 90% of people do not achieve one of theses things on a regular basis. It has nothing to do with nutrition.
Did you know it takes twice as long to raise a steer grass fed versus grain and grass? A year longer to absorb more environmental toxins and concentrate them in the meat that carnivores consume abundant amounts of?
Did you know that Oreos lower cholesterol more than statins? In a study of one it did. I was not the subject. But is was creative science that has received a lot of clicks on the web.
I hope you enjoy the show. If you would like access to our members only content you can join by clicking the link below.
Pure Water Distillers: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney