
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening
I raced the Long Haul 100 Mile Trail Race this past weekend. There were many surprises and challenges over the 31 hours and 5 minutes that it took me to cross the finish line. In fact, there was a time when I did not think I would see or even care to see the finish line.
Ultrarunning is any running event over 26.2 miles. This one was 100 miles. Six times through a 16.7 mile loop at Colt Creek State Park in Florida. It was describes as grassy trails and hard pack jeep roads. Mother nature added water and mud.... Lots of it.
I want to thank my crew: Michael Hubbard, Lynda and Lew Albert, and Timaree Hagenburger. Without them, the story would be much different. They helped me and cared for me selflessly in cold, windy, conditions all day, all night, and into the next afternoon. The best part is that we are all ready to do it again. Just not tomorrow. Thanks to Andy Matthews, the race director for his tireless efforts to put on a race in extreme conditions. I hope he gets the mud out of his jeep wheels someday.
I hope you enjoy my story of the Long Haul 100.
Life is better when we do it together, and even better if we do it outside. Visit a state park with your friends and family and you will see it is the best $3 you will ever spend.
Music: Wake Me Up by Avicii
Join our online practice for $25/month. https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing

Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today I have Sandy Geisel as a guest. She is a long time ultra runner and adventure racer. Sandy just completed 60 marathons in her 60th year of life. Sandy also has a significantly high calcium score. Listen to the episode to find our our approach to an elevated calcium score.
Our practice takes a whole patient approach. We do not just look at numbers and tests. We work to maximize health through lifestyle interventions. Nutrition, mobility and mindset are keys to a healthy life. Sandy sets this example and I hope you enjoy listening to her.
Website: Doctordulaney.com
Sign up for a $25 membership with complete access to our members only content at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing
Pure Water distillers: discount code: Cleanwaterforsophie
Veri Glucose monitors: https://c8.is/3F7fSLj
Discount code VSM-Doctordulaney

Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. The year is coming to an end, but that does not mean we should ignore our health journey until next year. It matters right now and every day.
Early onset dementia, meaning occurring before 70 years of age, is associated with several risk factors that can be addressed now and prevented. There are 15 risk factors that stand out among many. It may seem obvious that a history of diabetes, previous stroke, heart disease or depression would be among them. But how about hand grip, Vitamin D and social isolation? I will discuss these and the others .
People often say this or that hospital is ranked number one and is the best. Why? Are you falling for purchased endorsements or advertisements? Is bigger better. For profit hospitals and especially Private Equity owned institutions have been associated with more medical errors, increased fall risks, and more blood infections. Are your health care choices motivated by corporate performance or patient care. Choose wisely while you still can.
You will have to listen to the episode to find out what simple exercise will add 3 years to your life and decrease your risk of a stroke by 40%.
If you like this content, you will enjoy what our online membership offers. Zoom lectures, cooking demonstrations, mobility classes, recipes, wellness challenges and much more. Follow the link to learn more.
Use code Cleanwaterforsophie for water distiller discount.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Happy Holidays! This is the time of the year to reflect on the past year and make plans for the future. Celebrate the wins and learn from the losses. One of my favorite songs is Simple Gifts. One of the lines paraphrased is "Tis the gift to be simple is the gift to be free, Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be"
We tend to complicate our lives and our nutrition more than we need to. In the season of overindulgence, try to find ways to make things a little more simple.
I present a study today on sodium and blood pressure. The take away was that nearly everyone can lower their bp by reducing the sodium intake. The best way to do this is make food yourself. I will give you a few examples in today's podcast for celebrating a little healthier.
We are going live with our online virtual level one membership. For $25.00 a month, you can have access to ALL of our online content. It would be a great gift as well. The content includes lectures, videos, recipes, newsletters, wellness challenges and much more. We look forward to you joining our community. Go to doctordulaney.com to sign up now.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Thank you for listening. Happy Holidays.

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. We had a fabulous potluck yesterday with the members of the practice. It is hard to imagine why anyone would struggle with food choices when such great plant based recipes are everywhere.
The holiday season is a time for friends and families to come together to celebrate another year and the light that brings us all together. Eating healthy makes the enjoyment all the more positive.
However, nutrition alone is not able to keep us agile and healthy. We need to move. Those people that say that grain is bad because it is relatively new in terms of human existence never seem to mention another new thing to humans and that is a sedentary lifestyle. The easy button is really new! Don't cook, don't walk, don't go outside but please have a seat in this comfy recliner. I am going to present two paths to choose in today's podcast with real life examples. I hope it motivates your to move more and celebrate your health with those around you.
Thanks for listening. If you want to be apart of our village, go on over to doctordulaney.com and see how you can become a member. Email me with questions at jam@doctordulaney.com

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Finally we have a randomized controlled study on a plant based diet versus an omnivore diet. It was only 2 months, but it gives a lot of information to contemplate.
We are by history omnivores. That means we digest meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Buts should we? The problem with most studies is that they rely on food diaries. As you well know, they are highly inaccurate. People report what they think you want to hear or the supposed "right answer" a lot of the time, and this has even been shown in numerous psychological studies. However, in this short study, the food was supplied. They also had a twin to keep them honest and compete with.
In as little as 2 months, the plant based twins saw a statistically significant improvement over the omnivore group with regard to lifestyle disease risk factors and weight.
Two month or 8 weeks!. They saw results. The debate is over. It works if you do it. The if is the big question. How do you sustain a healthy plant based diet? It is not as hard as some people would like you to believe. You don't need potato starch paper to put supplements on to swallow. You don't need to eat dehydrated soup for every meal or count your blueberries. You need a goal and simple meals.
I am training for a 100 mile foot race on plants. My recovery is excellent. My muscles are not wasting. My energy is good. Take your own challenge. Surprise your doctor. Surprise your friends. Learn more about our practice. Join us to spread the health. Visit the website at doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Thanks for listening.

Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today I have a guest, Dr. Matt Minard. He is a physical therapist that specializes in running injury prevention and running mechanics. There is a high incidence of runners that get injured. Some would say that that is an excuse not to run. However, the benefits of running markedly outweigh the risk of injury. In fact, runners have a less frequency of joint replacement than non-runners. Running has been associated with a decreased risk of not only cardiovascular disease but cancer and cancer recurrence. This is most likely from the anti-inflammatory benefits as well as the long-term reduction in sympathetic tone as seen in decrease blood pressure and heart rate. The sense of well-being or perhaps runners high is associated with anti-depressant effects, and studies have shown that running can be a healthier alternative to medications.
The problem with running is that we tend to do too much too quick whether that is volume or speed. The most common injuries come from early stress to the small tendons, bones and ligaments that support our weight. The biggest fallacy is permanent knee injury. Most knee injuries are again associated with ligaments and tendons and not destruction of the joint.
Most injuries arise from or are exacerbated by faulty mechanics. A child runs perfect until we put clunky shoes on them. Because we become more sedentary as we age, we are prone to more injuries when we suddenly take to running at a later age.
Enter Dr Matt Minard. He will share with us today some ques for more efficient and safer running with the goal of extending our running longevity for many years to come. He has a podcast for those who like to listen, but I would suggest his Instagram clips and YouTube videos for excellent training tips and demonstrations. He also does private analysis of running form and coaching if you become interested. I hope you enjoy the podcast.
Instagram: Learn.2.Run

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today I am joined by Addie Majnaric, RDN to discuss Thanksgiving Survival Tips.
We will discuss Thanksgiving Dish Substitutes as well as hidden ingredients in what may seem like a plant based dish.
Thanksgiving food and overeating is not just hard on your waistline but can be very hard on your heart. The sodium in a day's worth of overindulgent foods can very quickly make the blood pressure skyrocket, and the water retention can lead to heart failure. A few quick tips can go a long way to keep you healthy.
The holiday season can be very stressful. Honesty is the best policy. Being with your family and friends is of utmost importance. The first step is to tell people how much they mean to you and how much you enjoy their company. However, you also need to ask for their support in your food choices. Make it easy and bring a few dishes as possible. Keep the food talk minimal and light. It is not the time for a health lecture.
If you get through this first feasting holiday, you will have the confidence to continue on your health journey. Make every day count. It is the people that make the holiday not the food.
Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving from all of us at Jami Dulaney, MD Health and Wellness Practice.

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. This podcast features author and chemist Mel Weinstein.
After working in industry for many years he became fascinated with processed food ingredients. He shared that every ingredient in food has a purpose. Most are to provide shelf life, texture, and stability. As time has passed more of these ingredients are derived from a chemical reaction versus plant source extraction.
Certain ingredients are listed just by acronyms that stand for long chemical names that would take up too much space and possibly raise suspicion.
TBHQ-Tert-butylhydroquinone-prolonged or high exposures can cause DNA damage or tumors.
Datem-diacetyl tartaric acid-food emulsifier for springy texture
BHA-butylated hydroxyanisole-it is a chemically derived antioxidant that can become rancid over time.
BHT-butylated hydroxytoluene-chemically derived antioxidant or shelf stabilizer.
Mel’s interest was so peaked that he dedicated over a year to research the additives at three fast food restaurants: Taco Bell, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut. Enjoy the back-room chemistry secrets to the ingredients you never notice or even thought about.
Thanks for listening.
Fast Food Ingredients Revealed https://a.co/d/1kmIwNk
Podcast: Food Labels Revealed
Website: Doctordulaney.com. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com

Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. The Austin Rattler 50K trail run is in the books. The race venue was Reveille Peak Ranch which is a 1300 acre ranch which hosts various endurance events and even hunting courses.
Three 10 mile loops to completion on various terrains made it a very interesting event. Ultra running is a series of trouble shooting events that include navigation, nutrition, pacing, and mental focus. It is also a day to play outside. I had a few new trouble shooting experiences to share.
One thing we all need is to move, to play, and to be socially interactive. This race was what I needed to change my focus and absorb good energy from the other runners and great outdoors.
I hope you enjoy my recap of the race as it relates to life's challenges. If you would like to know more about how our practice promotes health and the ability to do hard things, go to doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
At our website you can also find links to Veri glucose monitors, and Aqua Nui water distilling systems.
Thanks for listening!