Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Have you ever heard the saying, I'm not loosing weight but I am building muscle? How much does a pound of muscle weight? The same as a pound of feathers. If your are working hard enough to build significant muscle, you will be burning energy and digging into your fat stores. Glycogen is stored primarily in muscle and is accompanied by water. The only true way to measure muscle content with a Dexa scan. However, it is not covered by most insurances and exposes one to radiation. A bioelectrical impedance scale is not a bad weight to estimate muscle. There are errors if someone retains water secondary to kidney or heart disease but can be used to see changes in body composition. This episode will look at a study comparing various body measurements with longevity. Spoiler alert; I hope you are carrying lots of muscle.
Other topics: Vitamin D and Zinc. How much and what levels are good?
Riding 1020 miles at 87 yrs young and Ninja Warrior at 71 on Prime time. What are you waiting for, get out and move.
We will help you get started on your plant based fitness journey. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com and visit the website at
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. People come to my office with bags of supplements fearing nutrient deficiencies after scanning the internet for life extension hacks. Sometimes they just feel poorly and hope that the supplements hold the key to more vitality and energy.
Taurine is the latest to make the scene as a much needed supplement for longevity. It is touted as being a "nearly" essential amino acid. Essential amino acids are ones our bodies cannot produce and we have to ingest. Humans make taurine through a series of steps from the essential amino acid methionine. True carnivores such as cats do not make taurine and have to ingest it from animal sources. It is most abundant in fast twitch muscle such as wings, thighs, and heart. Sound great if you are a cat but not so great if you are plant based.
So what do we plant based people do? We eat methionine in our vegetables and grains and our body makes taurine. It is true that the blood levels decrease as we age. It is also true that plasma, blood, and tissue levels differ so we do not know how much taurine is at any given place at any given time. We also know that lower methionine intake is associated with decrease in cancer growth as in leukemia, lymphoma, breast, and prostate. So if you take taurine, it will be broken down into methionine. There is always a back side. I hope you enjoy my discussion in today's podcast. As always, check out our website for information on our medical practice at doctordulaney.com
You can email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. We would love to help you reach a healthy lifespan without hacks or gimmicks.
Thanks for listening
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Have you ever played a round of golf, went on a run or played tennis when everything just flowed? You didn't have to think, it just flowed? Have you ever taken up a new sport or new task when you had to stress about every little detail and things were still a struggle. Welcome to whole foods plant based cooking and menu planning.
Perhaps you eat the same thing daily and tell yourself you like it like that and then someone brings over a pizza that smells so much better than the cowboy caviar that you have had for the last 30 days. Just have a bite. It won't matter. Or will it? How many of those bites, free days, celebrations, no diner plans occur in a month. Rarely? Really?
If it were easy, the internet and store shelves would not be full of hacks and supplements. We would like to help you be fluent in plant based nutrition. In the zone with menu planning and meal presentation. If it doesn't look good, smell good, and taste good, then it will not work. Consistency is key. Practice makes perfect. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Visit our website at
doctordulaney.com for details on our practice. You can do it and it is more fun if you have support.
Thanks for listening.
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
What does your skin say about health. Queen Elizabeth was quoted as saying she earned her wrinkles. Probably not, but she did have her fair share. Is our skin like rings of a tree that depict our age?
Skin health is associated with nutrition and environmental factors as is any other organ. In fact, our skin is a major organ capable of helping to eliminate toxins from our body including heavy metals.
The outer layer of our skin is the epidermis. It is composed mainly of the oldest skin cells and is largely waterproof. Adding things to the outside layer doesn’t add much to the overall health of the skin. The key is inside out. A colorful plate of fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary vitamins for healthy skin. On the other hand, a plate of processed brown food will result in thin, frail skin prone to infections and disease.
After eating, don’t forget to get out and get some near red uv radiation from the sun. It will help build collagen in your skin better than a supplement. While you are out sweating, you will also be riding your body of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, nickel. If you add some quadriceps strength exercise you will also improve your cardiac function.
Thanks for listening to find out the nitty gritty details.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Website: doctordulaney.com
Discount code for AquaNui distillers: Cleanwaterforsophie
Grounds and Hounds discount code: Sophiesays
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Welcome! and thank you for listening.
Today I have Paul Youd on the podcast. He is an 85 year old endurance athlete from the UK. His knees bothered him so bad in his 50s that he stopped running and started biking. Then he became vegan after learning about the cruel conditions factory farm animals endure. One day chasing his grandson, he realized his knees no longer hurt and he resumed running. Fast forward to the lockdown, he decided to try a 50k distance and set his sights on a press up goal of one million before age 90.
He is a runner, plant based, and a bread maker instructor. What’s not to like. Enjoy this motivating interview. He is my people.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
https://myaquanui.com code for discount: cleanwaterforsophie
https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com Code: sophiesays
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Running Podcast: Episode 432 : The Diva Does 90
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. I have added running to the title of the podcast given I have been talking about it so often. I believe wellness must include movement as well as nutrition and running is certainly my favorite movement.
Happy Birthday Diva! She is certainly a mover and a shaker in all the ways. Today, I would like to share some highlights from her surprise birthday party. Most people who know my mother consider her an inspiration. Perhaps you would like to learn a few secrets from my observations of the Diva.
I hope this episode gives you the encouragement to party plant based in the future. I think I may have discovered a little trick to pulling it off.
Enjoy this episode and thank you for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
website: doctordulaney.com
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. When I was growing up, mushrooms were something that you got on a pizza when you progressed from straight pepperoni. They were usually from a jar or can and were nothing spectacular to look at. I believe that is where they got their bad wrap. The other place I started seeing mushrooms were on a fancy spinach salad. They were fresh and thinly sliced but raw. Not a lot of taste but they made the salad pretty.
Raw mushrooms are actually toxic due to a surface chemical called agaratine. It is destroyed by cooking a few minutes. In addition, most of the nutrients associated with mushrooms are released after heating.
I will give you a few more reasons to put a variety of mushrooms on your plate and even perhaps in your coffee!
Do you feel like a number or a diagnosis when you go to the doctor's? Have you had anything prescribed besides a drug or test? I would encourage you to ask why and what a lot more. If you would like to become more invested in your health and wellbeing, check out our practice website at doctordulaney.com
Email questions to me at jami@doctordulaney.com.
Perhaps it is time to get healthy. Thank for listening.
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
We have so many nutritional options and things to choose leading to confusion and indecision. There is more dietary advise advertised than just about anything else. Eating is glamorous, social, and is portrayed as having a large role in our overall happiness. Admitting that our food choices play a large role in our overall health is not the reality most people want to hear.
How many times have you said, we eat better than we used to? We eat better than other people. We don't eat fast food. I need a cheat day. I need a food reward. Eating healthy is boring and takes too much time to prepare. I am not a kitchen person.
Meanwhile, people are joining gyms and trying to get healthy. No one enjoys taking medications. So we try to improve our nutrition for a few days or weeks then it is back to the old habits. Why? Why can't we stick with it? We blame others for sabotaging us, though we always have a choice. We call the right choice the hard choice. Hard, is hard to do for a long time so we need a break. We need to practice hard because easy comes naturally. I will give you a little secret. Choosing hard brings long lasting satisfaction and spills over into every aspect of our lives. Before long, you will be looking to choose hard things.
Sugar highs are temporary, health highs last a lifetime. Practice choosing hard.
Thanks for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Website: doctordulaney.com
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. We accumulate metabolic waste just like we accumulate junk in the garage. You might be able to use some of it, but most likely it just sits there and rusts. How do you get it out? Does exercise prevent it?
Life long exercisers or very active people seem to have less lifestyle diseases than sedentary people. However, they are not immune. How does exercise prevent or delay the onset of disease?
Today I will exam some of the whys around these topics as well as some nutritional paradoxes that the medical community seems to ignore. I hope you enjoy the episode.
Thanks for listening.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Website: doctordulaney.com
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. I took this episode on the road to Riverwood Golf Community where I recorded a discussion of adopting a plant based lifestyle. Two of my practice members, Bob and Judy Sparanese started a discussion group around plant based nutrition. I was invited to give my perspective as a plant based physician. I shared my practice journey and how my thoughts on nutrition have evolved over my years in a cardiology practice.
The common theme is implementation and socializing. No one really doubted the benefits. I shared some of my go to meal ideas and ways to make it a little easier.
Bob and Judy are setting a great example by reaching out to meet new friends with shared interest of health and nutrition. A golf course community is a tough place to implement plant based nutrition. The perception that "good food" is burgers and fries, steak and potatoes, and the occasional fish and chips would prevail on most menus. Golf stories and happy hour are more the theme than health and wellness. The reality is that most folks want to be healthy and happy. They just need to understand that the two can exist in the setting of plant based nutrition. Thanks to Bob and Judy, there may be one less cardiac event on the nineteenth hole at Riverwood Golf Community.
If you would like to find out more about my wellness practice and the online opportunities, check out the website at doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Thank you for listening.