
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Running and Wellness Podcast: Episode 442:
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Welcome! Thank you for listening.
This episode delves into the benefits of kombucha and the down sides of a keto diet.
But what about the carnivore diet? Grills vs Smokers?
Should you take hormone replacement therapy after menopause?
I hope you are enjoying a whole foods plant based diet made in your own kitchen. Enjoy the summer's in season vegetables and fruit and move your body. If you would like to learn more about our wellness practice, email me at jami@doctordulaney.com

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I am a plant based practicing allopathic physician. I see people in the office, the hospital, the nursing home, at home and virtually. I am at my best in person. My job is to educate and to support. I graduated in 1987 and I have been a doctor everyday since then. My goal is to help people heal and do no harm. Practicing, observing, learning, and questioning. It is not an algorithm or a protocol. Everyone has their own health journey and their own life journey which makes them unique. AI cannot understand the life experiences of a patient and understand what they may feel is best for them.
To do no harm is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Harm relative to what? Treat or not to treat? Who is ultimately responsible. Medical decisions are never easy. Everyone's path is unique. Health span is a partnership and the journey is what you make of it. Find someone that helps you define the health journey that supports your wishes. You have more control than you think you do.
Email me a jami@doctordulaney.com with questions

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Donanemab for Alzheimers.
Muscle fatigue and its affect on your heart and lungs.
Fitness affects on cancer risk and mortality
Hypertension treatment and risks.
How do these things affect your quality of life? I believe that you have more control than you realize. Are you worrying? Are you living life with your head in the sand? Are you training for an active life? I will tie these topics together during this episode. Enjoy the day, it will be a good one.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The Silver Rush 50 Mile Trail race is in the books. Finish time 13:41:42 . Third place in the 60-69 age group category. It was definitely the hardest race I have done to date not only the distance but terrain and altitude.
There are controversies around running ultra distances. Is it healthy? Can it even cause coronary artery disease? Does it shorten life? I believe that is a reductionist way of thinking about it. In a time where people are looking for longevity and life "hacks", the easy way out, and guaranteed outcomes, ultra running certainly is frowned upon.
After all, who would drive from sea level to a remote area at 10,000 feet to run to 12,000 ft four different times for a distance of 49.2 miles (that is what my watch said). It was hard and I got tired and dirty. I was racing the clock to finish within cut off times. My heart rate was elevated into the 130s for 14 plus hours. I drained the glycogen from my body.
I saw some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. The air was clean and smelled of pine. The sky was bright blue and the mountain tops were covered in snow. There were wildflowers growing and clear streams. There were over 800 runners pushing their limits cheering each other on because it was about doing your best and wanting that for other Leadville family runners as well. It was dealing with adversity mentally and physically. Choosing strong over weak. It was meditation. It was celebrating a life worth living to the fullest. It was about the joy of being free from the mundane distractions of the world. It was about being alive and back to nature. It was regaining what humans were meant to do: move. Thank you Leadville family for welcoming me with open arms.
Did my coronary calcium score go up this weekend? I know my love of life, other humans, and sense of wellbeing did. That is all that matters. I hope you enjoy listening to my story of the Silver Rush 50 mile trail race.
Thank you for listening.
Email: jami@doctordulaney.com
Book mentioned in podcast: Choose Strong by Sally McRae

Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The Silver Rush 50 Mile Trail race is in the books. Finish time 13:41:42 . Third place in the 60-69 age group category. It was definitely the hardest race I have done to date not only the distance but terrain and altitude.
There are controversies around running ultra distances. Is it healthy? Can it even cause coronary artery disease? Does it shorten life? I believe that is a reductionist way of thinking about it. In a time where people are looking for longevity and life "hacks", the easy way out, and guaranteed outcomes, ultra running certainly is frowned upon.
After all, who would drive from sea level to a remote area at 10,000 feet to run to 12,000 ft four different times for a distance of 49.2 miles (that is what my watch said). It was hard and I got tired and dirty. I was racing the clock to finish within cut off times. My heart rate was elevated into the 130s for 14 plus hours. I drained the glycogen from my body.
I saw some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. The air was clean and smelled of pine. The sky was bright blue and the mountain tops were covered in snow. There were wildflowers growing and clear streams. There were over 800 runners pushing their limits cheering each other on because it was about doing your best and wanting that for other Leadville family runners as well. It was dealing with adversity mentally and physically. Choosing strong over weak. It was meditation. It was celebrating a life worth living to the fullest. It was about the joy of being free from the mundane distractions of the world. It was about being alive and back to nature. It was regaining what humans were meant to do: move. Thank you Leadville family for welcoming me with open arms.
Did my coronary calcium score go up this weekend? I know my love of life, other humans, and sense of wellbeing did. That is all that matters. I hope you enjoy listening to my story of the Silver Rush 50 mile trail race.
Thank you for listening.
Email: jami@doctordulaney.com
Book mentioned in podcast: Choose Strong by Sally McRae
My study conclusions:

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Virtues: Perseverance, Patience, Courage, Accountability, and Practical Wisdom
How do these virtues apply to plant based nutrition and movement?
Pride, Envy, and Intemperance. How do these impede our success in attaining ultimate health and wellness.
Dr. Sabrina Little wrote an article in IRunFar.com applying those virtues to sport.
Transitioning to a plant based healthy lifestyle is a growth over time for most of us. There are obstacle we don't even know exist until we begin. The path is not perfect but filled with twists and turns. I hope you enjoy my lament on a more virtuous path to plant based nutrition. It might even help your running or favorite sport.
Thanks for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Website: doctordulaney.com

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Have you ever heard the saying, I'm not loosing weight but I am building muscle? How much does a pound of muscle weight? The same as a pound of feathers. If your are working hard enough to build significant muscle, you will be burning energy and digging into your fat stores. Glycogen is stored primarily in muscle and is accompanied by water. The only true way to measure muscle content with a Dexa scan. However, it is not covered by most insurances and exposes one to radiation. A bioelectrical impedance scale is not a bad weight to estimate muscle. There are errors if someone retains water secondary to kidney or heart disease but can be used to see changes in body composition. This episode will look at a study comparing various body measurements with longevity. Spoiler alert; I hope you are carrying lots of muscle.
Other topics: Vitamin D and Zinc. How much and what levels are good?
Riding 1020 miles at 87 yrs young and Ninja Warrior at 71 on Prime time. What are you waiting for, get out and move.
We will help you get started on your plant based fitness journey. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com and visit the website at

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. People come to my office with bags of supplements fearing nutrient deficiencies after scanning the internet for life extension hacks. Sometimes they just feel poorly and hope that the supplements hold the key to more vitality and energy.
Taurine is the latest to make the scene as a much needed supplement for longevity. It is touted as being a "nearly" essential amino acid. Essential amino acids are ones our bodies cannot produce and we have to ingest. Humans make taurine through a series of steps from the essential amino acid methionine. True carnivores such as cats do not make taurine and have to ingest it from animal sources. It is most abundant in fast twitch muscle such as wings, thighs, and heart. Sound great if you are a cat but not so great if you are plant based.
So what do we plant based people do? We eat methionine in our vegetables and grains and our body makes taurine. It is true that the blood levels decrease as we age. It is also true that plasma, blood, and tissue levels differ so we do not know how much taurine is at any given place at any given time. We also know that lower methionine intake is associated with decrease in cancer growth as in leukemia, lymphoma, breast, and prostate. So if you take taurine, it will be broken down into methionine. There is always a back side. I hope you enjoy my discussion in today's podcast. As always, check out our website for information on our medical practice at doctordulaney.com
You can email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. We would love to help you reach a healthy lifespan without hacks or gimmicks.
Thanks for listening

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Have you ever played a round of golf, went on a run or played tennis when everything just flowed? You didn't have to think, it just flowed? Have you ever taken up a new sport or new task when you had to stress about every little detail and things were still a struggle. Welcome to whole foods plant based cooking and menu planning.
Perhaps you eat the same thing daily and tell yourself you like it like that and then someone brings over a pizza that smells so much better than the cowboy caviar that you have had for the last 30 days. Just have a bite. It won't matter. Or will it? How many of those bites, free days, celebrations, no diner plans occur in a month. Rarely? Really?
If it were easy, the internet and store shelves would not be full of hacks and supplements. We would like to help you be fluent in plant based nutrition. In the zone with menu planning and meal presentation. If it doesn't look good, smell good, and taste good, then it will not work. Consistency is key. Practice makes perfect. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Visit our website at
doctordulaney.com for details on our practice. You can do it and it is more fun if you have support.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
What does your skin say about health. Queen Elizabeth was quoted as saying she earned her wrinkles. Probably not, but she did have her fair share. Is our skin like rings of a tree that depict our age?
Skin health is associated with nutrition and environmental factors as is any other organ. In fact, our skin is a major organ capable of helping to eliminate toxins from our body including heavy metals.
The outer layer of our skin is the epidermis. It is composed mainly of the oldest skin cells and is largely waterproof. Adding things to the outside layer doesn’t add much to the overall health of the skin. The key is inside out. A colorful plate of fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary vitamins for healthy skin. On the other hand, a plate of processed brown food will result in thin, frail skin prone to infections and disease.
After eating, don’t forget to get out and get some near red uv radiation from the sun. It will help build collagen in your skin better than a supplement. While you are out sweating, you will also be riding your body of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, nickel. If you add some quadriceps strength exercise you will also improve your cardiac function.
Thanks for listening to find out the nitty gritty details.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Website: doctordulaney.com
Discount code for AquaNui distillers: Cleanwaterforsophie
Grounds and Hounds discount code: Sophiesays