
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 374
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
What is the best nutrition plan? What are your goals? Weight loss and nutrition are not the same all circumstances. The outside appearance is what we see, but inside is much more important to health span. When marketers claim their diet is the best, most sustainable, or anthropologically correct, they are still marketing.
Let's start with your most important goals. Perhaps you think you are really healthy, but just need to loose weight. Are you interested in health span or longevity? Being really thin, may improve your longevity at the expense of your health. Examples may be progression of atherosclerosis, cancer, or osteoporosis despite being thin. Nutrient density should take the first priority when looking at energy restriction. We are also feeding our microbiome when we choose a nutrition plan that can also affect our health.
I will discuss a few options for success during this episode.
I will throw in a few thoughts about COVID screening, PCR and antigen testing as well. Be healthy. Eat healthy.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Visit our website at doctordulaney.com

Friday Jan 14, 2022
Friday Jan 14, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I've got a run streak going in January. Strength training on board. 50 mile race in February. Plant strong!
How long should you take BP medication before your are cured? How about statins? Possible to stop you ask? Indeed. What are the risks vs. benefits. Did you give informed consent prior to beginning medications? Was the duration discussed? Alternatives. There certainly is.
Medial news is presented on TV daily. How much information are we really getting? Most of the time it is just the conclusion of a study, and the recommendations derived from that study. How do percentages apply to you. Are the benefits and risk the same? Probably not. However, you should get to decide. Your body, your life, and your choice.
I will be presenting some worrisome data today. Many people will react differently. That is fine. It is expected and welcomed. We need to have the discussions.
I believe there is hope for a healthy tomorrow. We are in control and we make the choices. I believe plant based nutrition and exercise are at the root of health. Let us show you how. Visit the website at doctordulaney.com to learn more. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Thanks for listening!
Start with our plant based cookbook

Friday Jan 07, 2022
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 372:Back on the Wagon
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Happy Healthy New Year!
Have you ever heard or felt that if your feet hurt, your whole body hurt? One of the biggest injuries in beginning a walking or running program is plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, or shin splints. We look at the part that hurts and aim the treatment there. A podiatrist or shoe salesperson will suggest orthotics or inserts. But how does making the foot more rigid help? What is causing the problem in the first place. The answer is not that we were meant to sit! However, the solution is addressing the part of our anatomy that we are sitting on; the glutes. My Dad was once told by a tailor that he suffered from a disease call noassatall. Yes the spelling is correct. We will get into to this during this episode.
Can you really reverse lifestyle diseases such as vascular disease, liver disease, hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery disease with nutrition? Does it work for everyone? How much effort do you need to apply. How long and how often? The short answer is how long and how often do you want to have illness? Just as nutrition and environmental toxins cause most lifestyle diseases, they are the key to reversing them. What is the balance? We will discuss some approaches to help you get on the path to health. Let's just say that if you are going to clean out your garage and keep it clean, you will need to focus on the project every day. Below are some links to articles.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Sign up for our newsletter or even better yet, join our practice at doctordulaney.com

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
Another year has come and gone. I hope it was a good one. There is always something to learn. It is a great time to make plans for the New Year.
I have hope for a healthier future. I believe this can only be accomplished by improved awareness of the role of nutrition and exercise on our own individual health. There are no side effects from eating a healthy plant based diet. Are you new to this lifestyle? Then eat more fruits and vegetables at each meal. Vote with your dollars supporting food stores that provide organic vegetables and fruit. Support them by purchasing your paper products and other staples there as well. That is what ultimately keeps a grocery store in business. Your health starts with you, and as you eat better and feel better, you will loose the fear of the next potential health threat be it heart disease or infectious agents. Our bodies have an amazing capacity to withstand stress and challenges if they are fueled by healthy fruit and vegetables.
Burl Ives sang about Silver and Gold. How do you measure it's worth? I would say health is the ultimate Christmas Present. It cannot be purchased with Silver and Gold, but it can be obtained by living simply, eating the colors of the rainbow and moving your body.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy Healthy New Year!
Thank you for listening to my podcast. I am grateful and love hearing from listeners. You can email me at jami@doctordulaney.com.
You can learn more about our practice at doctordulaney.com
Want some easy family recipes. Check out our cookbook

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
There are many variations on plant based nutrition. In this episode we will discuss the merit of a diet predominately of raw fruit and vegetables. We will discuss all the controversies around grains and fruit as well as making each day just a little bit better nutritionally.
80 10 10 are numbers we all hear about, but the first to coin the phrase for Plant Based Nutrition was Dr. Douglas Graham. The numbers represent the percentages of macronutrients in the raw nutrition profile many plant based physicians recommend. 80 percent carbohydrate, 10 percent protein, and 10 percent fat. Dr. Graham and I will discuss the merits of eating those raw with minimal processing. Good news! The food can be purchased all in the produce section.
This interviews discusses a few pearls of good health.
1. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables.
2. Eat and move to achieve your desired outcome.
Dr. Graham is the author of not only the 80/10/10 Diet but multiple other including Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Check out his website for the many books as well as upcoming retreats that he is conducting in Costa Rica.
Instagram: drdouggraham
Facebook: drdouglasgraham
Email me with question at jami@doctordulaney.com

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
There are many variations on plant based nutrition. In this episode we will discuss the merit of a diet predominately of raw fruit and vegetables. We will discuss all the controversies around grains and fruit as well as making each day just a little bit better nutritionally.
80 10 10 are numbers we all hear about, but the first to coin the phrase for Plant Based Nutrition was Dr. Douglas Graham. The numbers represent the percentages of macronutrients in the raw nutrition profile many plant based physicians recommend. 80 percent carbohydrate, 10 percent protein, and 10 percent fat. Dr. Graham and I will discuss the merits of eating those raw with minimal processing. Good news! The food can be purchased all in the produce section.
This interviews discusses a few pearls of good health.
1. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables.
2. Eat and move to achieve your desired outcome.
Dr. Graham is the author of not only the 80/10/10 Diet but multiple other including Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Check out his website for the many books as well as upcoming retreats that he is conducting in Costa Rica.
Instagram: drdouggraham
Facebook: drdouglasgraham
Email me with question at jami@doctordulaney.com

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I completed the California International Marathon for the 5th time this past weekend. It was not my worst time or my best time. Marathons are a lot like life. I seem to learn more when things don't go as well as I would like than if they go smooth. In fact, when they go smooth, I want more. When things are more difficult, I adapt and learn to be more mindful. Such was the case with this race, as I shall share.
Nutrition plans and plans to improve health and reverse lifestyle diseases are very similar. When you accept good enough or moderation, you will most likely fall short of your goals. Taking a hard look at your plans and efforts can be a little uncomfortable. It is easy to "give in" or "give up" on the notion of accomplishing your goal. It's too hard or it's not for me are easy excuses to get your feet out of the effort fire.
I learned that my race needs to be tailored to my training, and not to my wish for a certain outcome. In order to get a better outcome, I need to have a better training plan and stick with it.
If you would like help with a nutrition or exercise training plan or a plan to reverse lifestyle disease, check out our website at doctordulaney.com or email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com.
Our cookbook makes a great stocking stuffer and contains a lot of good Holiday dishes. Link to purchase is listed below.

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast: Episode 368: Health For the Holidays
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
The holiday season is upon us. Many of us have traditions that involve high calorie meals. It is easy and very common this time of year to just chuck our nutrition and “enjoy” the holidays. This comes at the expense of weight gain and worsening of lifestyle diseases.
Don’t give up! Take it one party and event at a time. Compare where you are this year versus last year. Can you make some improvements in your holiday season? Going to a party? Bring a dish to share. And I do not mean a vegetable plate. Make something and present it so everyone will want to try it. This give you confidence and credence to your lifestyle choices. Plan exercise activities for the rest of the year. A jingle bell run or a New Year’s 5 K.
We all recognize that exercise improves cardiovascular function. Did you know it also improves your immune system? Every day is a chance to do better. There is no need to put off health until the New Year. Enjoy your health every day of the year and every season.
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com for information how we can help you become healthier each day.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 327: Sugar Sugar
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
“Don’t eat sugar”. “I gave up carbs.” “Sugar feeds cancer.” What does that mean? Sugar is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose. It sounds like the sugar in fruit. Starch is long chains of sugar. Most people say potatoes and grains are starches. But are potatoes only starch?
That is where the confusion begins. Most macronutrients as well as micronutrients rarely exist alone. They are associated or bound to a variety of other macro or micro nutrients. Meat is typically protein and fat. Potatoes are carbohydrate and protein predominately. Apples are mainly carbohydrate with a little protein and fiber and micronutrients.
Does the sugar in an apple cause cancer the same way as the sugar in a sweet tart? Is the fat in nuts healthy?
It is never as it seems. We all like the idea of looking at the whole being yet we look for simple solutions. The short answer is stay minimal and unprocessed. Go for the least amount of metabolic waste and the maximal amount of nutrition. I hope to clarify in this episode.
Thanks for listening.
P.S. running won’t hurt your knees. And keep listening at the end of the podcast. There is something fun.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Learn more about our practice and sign up for our newsletter at doctordulaney.com

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
People like us do things like this…Seth Godin
We did the Odyssey Swim Run Austin last weekend, and I will be giving you our race report. Spoiler alert: IT WAS GREAT!
Why were there not more people in the 50-70 age group there? Why is my local pool empty at 6:30 am for lap swimming? Who put the bulletin out that we were meant to sit inside and melt after kids went off to high school and college? Who doesn’t want to run with their grandkids in a 5K or ultra?
It is the story we tell ourselves that sets limits on life. We don’t associate the steak dinner with arthritis and cancer. Just a little indulgence could not cause much harm. Tell that to your gut microbes. A marshmallow sized piece of toxin doesn’t sound like much to a 170-pound man. But that marshmallow sized toxin is becoming bigger when you feed it to a mouse and even bigger when you feed it to a bacterium that has a lot to say about your immune function and overall inflammatory health.
What is your story? People like you do what things like this. Your choice, and there are many.
I believe you get to choose what path that is right for you. You get to take responsibility. That should never be taken away in any life decision. But, remember, there are many choices and opportunities to be active all of your days. People like us do things like this. Thanks for listening.
Email question to jami@doctordulaney.com