Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 309: Cherry Picking
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! I have not been cherry picking but I have been mango picking. Florida mangos are the best as far as I am concerned. But that is just my biased opinion based on a couple of really good local varieties.
Before I had a local mango, I thought the little yellow honey mangos in the grocery store were good. I have been to local mango tastings where there were over 40 varieties, and people would give their opinions as to which were best. We all have our biases, and that is what I want to discuss today.
It is quite popular these days of internet communication to debunk others opinion with data that is, well, cherry picked. Most good research will discuss their findings and note that while it seems the case, more research is needed. Nothing is as it seems. Life is complicated, and there are many variables. It is easy to get caught up in what we want to believe and what suits our beliefs. It is difficult but necessary to listen to conflicting views.
Weight loss and optimum health is not as easy as some would like your to believe. However, we all have some common grounds that I believe would make a lot of people a lot healthier. I'll share those with you on this podcast.
I also believe health is a personal decision. My goals for my life are not necessarily yours. Defining your goals will make it a lot easier to define what you need to do nutritionally and functionally to achieve them. They are personal and need to be respected. However, those goals are not wishes that may or may not come true. You can have real input into your health journey. I hope this episode helps you to define your goals more clearly, and sort through some of the cherry picked data out there.
Thanks for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. Go on over to doctordulaney.com for more information.
Check our our plant based wellness cookbook at https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-nc-drs1_0?cv_ct_cx=doctor+and+diva&dchild=1&keywords=doctor+and+diva&pd_rd_i=1733967702&pd_rd_r=b4b3e11f-e7c1-4a71-a571-54903174e969&pd_rd_w=jpaTr&pd_rd_wg=GNibG&pf_rd_p=8f655ecb-bc8c-4750-9088-950aa74d52dd&pf_rd_r=JMDW81JEWW3K2VMA0JND&psc=1&qid=1608320722&sr=1-1-88388c6d-14b8-4f70-90f6-05ac39e80cc0
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 308: Happy Healthy Father Day
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Happy Father's day!
I hope all the fathers out there are getting a healthy hearty meal this father's day. This episode will speak to healthy celebration foods and maintaining those big muscles by eating plants!.
Ketosis is associated with fat loss but also Dexa scan proven muscle loss. Those muscles are important for metabolism. As we age or decondition, we loose mitochondrial density in the muscles. Put that together with loss of muscle, and it is a recipe for metabolic dysfunction.
The two best things we can do to keep ourselves healthy is exercise and nutrition. But all exercise and all nutrients are not created equal.
We would love to help you reach optimal health and wellness. Go on over to doctordulaney.com and see how you can become a member of our practice. Healthcare is not about protocols and one size fits all. It is an individual dynamic of communication, goal setting, and plan formulation. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Need a last minute gift for Dad- https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com/discount/SophieSays
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 307 with Ashland Dave
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Dave Klisz from the podcast: Running in the Center of the Universe. Dave is an ultra runner and describes himself as an ordinary middle of the pack runner. He is in the 50-55 age group, and is now experiencing friends that are having lifestyle diseases despite running. Several of his running friends have had cardiovascular events and procedures despite being very good and lean runners. They have been largely told that it is hereditary. They are making running comebacks without changing much else. Enjoy this conversation with Dave and I as we shed some light on what you can do to prevent and reverse heart disease. It need not happen in the first place, and it can surely be prevented.
Would you like to taker the plant based plunge into summertime health? Join Addie Majnaric, RDN and I for our third Zoom Nutrition Conference, June 16, 2021 at 5:30pm. It will be recorded and available the entire following week. We will be doing cooking demonstrations and nutrition discussions along with Q and A during the event and the week after. You will receive a copy of each of the 9 recipes as well as any slide we show. Get your tickets at https://doctordulaney.com/healthy-ticket-into-2021/
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. We can't wait to meet you!
Want great coffee and at the same time help a dog in need? Check out https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com/discount/SophieSays and use Sophiesays for a discount!
Thank you for listening!
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 306 with Addie Majnaric RDN
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!. Summertime fun is here along with BBQs and picnics. What is a plant based person to do? How can you possible have fun or even survive?
Addie Majnaric, RDN joins me today to discuss our upcoming Zoom Nutrition Conference June 16, 2021 where we will address those things and more. The challenge is on! Send us your favorite food for summertime fun, and we will help you make them plant based and healthy. What we will not do is make something that is unhealthy or make an unhealthy plant based version of it. The goal is to thrive doing summertime activities with family, and not just merely survive.
Did you know that most gall bladder surgeries can be avoided? It is the food! Trips to the ER for heart attacks, belly pain, and IBS can be avoided with dietary change. What person does not want a normal BMI to go to the beach this summer? Tune into this week's podcast to find out more.
Join us June 16, 2020 for our zoom conference. Go to doctordulaney.com to purchase tickets. The video will be available to watch the next week, and we will be fielding questions live and during the following week. Email us at addie@doctordulaney.com or jami@doctordulaney.com with recipes you would like help with.
We look forward to meeting you!
Thursday May 27, 2021
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 305- Play Plant Strong!
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Happy First Birthday to my Grandson Caleb!
Today I would like to celebrate movement. You are never too old to play. I had a great time playing with the Plant Based Striders last weekend. We took hardware (placed) in every age category that we participated in. Fabulous! The smiles and positive energy created memories for years to come. I would love to see the Plant Based Striders grow in every community. Today I talk about a few things that may hold people back.
Where do you get your calcium? Are you at risk for a fracture? Will running keep you out of the coronary care unit? Start listening!
Fear not! We can get people moving again. Just slide on over to our website at doctordulaney.com and click to join us. Perhaps you need help planning a picnic or celebration this summer. Addie and I have it planned for you. On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 we will be hosting a zoom webinar to help prepare you for summer fun picnics. Don't be caught without anything beautiful and tasty to eat at this year's reunion. Wow your friends and family with fabulous covered dishes while looking younger and healthier than ever before.
Thank you for listening!
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!. Happy Birthday to my favorite plant based RDN, Addie Majnaric!! Time to gently stir fry Addie or perhaps just embarrass her a little.
It has not been easy being the daughter of a plant based Cardiologist. Some would guess that there were many perks along the way, and things came pretty easy. I think we often look at others and see them as pictures of ease without struggle. It is never the case. However, those defining struggles are what give our lives meaning and character. The struggles become the fabric of our lives. We all look for the easy button, only to realize it has little meaning. The hacks are just dust in the wind. Taking on the challenges, making our lives better, and the world a little better is where the real satisfaction lies.
I hope you enjoy a few stories of Addies challenges. I hope we can encourage you to embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey. The joy lies in taking on the challenges not shying away. Follow Addie naturally.rooted.nutrition on Instagram to see what she does for her birthday challenge.
Our mission is to reverse lifestyle diseases. Plant based nutrition and exercise are the means to not only reverse these diseases but also decrease the risk from infectious diseases.
Join us at doctordulaney.com to see how you can join our plant strong community. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Sign up for our next Zoom Conference June 16, 2021 to learn how to prepare plant strong summer recipes for the whole family,. Get your tickets at doctordulaney.com.
Thank you for listening
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!
Happy 88th birthday to the Diva, Alfreda Dulaney/Mom. At 5'1" she sets the bar high for living life large. My mother was one of the early active moms. She worked two jobs, ran the household which was eventually two, rode bikes, played pick up softball, transported to various practices and finally took up golf in her forties. At 88 she is still doing yoga and golfing. Covid took her Zumba away. She is a co author of our book Plant Based Wellness Cookbook and was the creator of many of the soups and family recipes made plant based. Bumps, there have been more than a few, but she dusts off and goes again. One memory that describes her personality best was cross country skiing. There was a little hill with a turn at the bottom across the road from our cottage. She would ski up and around and fall down that hill. She must have went around a dozen times before she mastered the slope and turn at the end. Fear was never a limiting factor.
She has evolved her cooking from Italian to Irish to mediterranean and now plant based combining all of those and adding more.
Our message to day is to live and lead with love and joy instead of fear and distrust. Go outside and be with others. Live life to the fullest. Today is the day to make a better and healthier version of yourself.
If you need some coffee to get you started check out Grounds and Hounds, https://groundsandhoundscoffee.com/discount/SophieSays for a discount on great coffee while helping some dogs in need.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Get your copy of Diva's cookbook at https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1U4J4U0SZUXUF&dchild=1&keywords=plant+based+wellness+cookbook&qid=1621083696&sprefix=plant+based+well%2Caps%2C173&sr=8-3
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com
Thank you for listening!
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Happy Mother's Day.
The first mother's day celebration took place in 1908 in Grafton, West Virginia when Anna Jarvis campaigned for the holiday in honor of her mother.
Back in the day, most mother's ran the house and took care of the children. The food on the table was what was grown and raised by the family. There was not a diverse menu choice, and the most important aspect was to have enough to feed the family. The worry was having enough not too much. Survival of the children were largely the responsibility of mom. Today, there are many more choices, and marketing can make food selection very confusing.
The purpose of Mother's day is to honor mom for her dedication to her family, and for doing the best she can in her own particular circumstance.
May all the Mother's out there live to the fullest, lead by love and not fear knowing that their bond with their child will overcome any uncertainties they may face.
If you like coffee, check out Grounds and Hounds Coffee. 20% of each purchase goes to a rescue organization.
Check out our website: doctordulaney.com to find out how you can become a member of our plant based wellness practice.
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I would like to wish Coach Jeff Galloway a speedy recovery from his recent cardiac event, and I hope he gets back running/walking soon.
As many of you know, he is a world famous marathon runner and coach who developed the run/walk/run method of marathon training. Despite running a marathon nearly every month, Jeff suffered a heart attack. Did running help or hurt him? What could he do to avoid future cardiac events?
Most importantly, is it safe to take up running at any age? I will discuss this and give suggestions on how to safely begin a running program. Spoiler alert: plant based diet and heart rate training.
If you would like to begin running or step up your endurance activities but have lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol or cardiovascular disease, check out our website at doctordulaney.com to join our practice or email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions. I believe you are too old NOT to run. Be healthy!
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!
Which motivates you more; you can't do this or don't regret not trying? The story we tell does more to predict our future than the obstacles we face. We all face challenges that can lead to amazing achievements or a long list of could have beens.
Get up, and dust yourself off. There is a lot of healthy life to be had. Today, I will tell such a story and give you a few hints on how to stay on the plant based trail!
Check out our website at doctordulaney.com to find out our to join our plant based wellness practice and overcome the obstacles in your path to optimal health and wellness. We can't wait to meet you!
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions.
Thanks for listening! If you enjoy this podcast, please go over to Itunes and give me a 5 star rating. It helps spread the word. Thank you.